How much does last seasons MMR account for this seasons in SS?

Question of the day, if my winrate is the same as someone elses on the leaderboard, why dont we have the same MMR?

Rank 117 - MMR = 1823, win rate = 24/36
Rank 352 - MMR = 1611, win rate = 24/36

Last seasons rating affect it much?? hmmm :laughing:

Oh look another MMR thread. Sage.


must be because I had leavers in 2 rounds? not sure here though. seems abit off with 200 rating difference?

You should attach this to every post you make then

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I don’t make MMR threads, though. Your reply makes no sense.

But everything you’ve ever posted is bait, a distraction, or a waste of time. And all your takes are definitely reddit-tier.

I hate to tell you, friend, but “neener neener nou” is, in itself, a reddit-tier reply.

Also, I forgot this was a lie.

Because I actually did make one, once upon a moon to try to curb threads like this. Thanks for reminding me to bump a Seratox thread.

Thank you for proving my point once again.

Have a good night, friend. Christ is King.

Your post doesn’t address this one sorry, same played, same won, same lost. 200 MMR difference. Only thing it can be is difference in last seasons MMR and taking that into account.

Yes last seasons mmr has a significant impact.