It’s an open forum. I can’t stop you from posting. I don’t get why you think you can stop me from posting. I’ll reply a lot less often if you don’t directly reply to one of my posts. I mean really. You start a conversation and then tell me not to reply. I think there’s something wrong with your behavior.
Dang so many snowflakes in this forum it feels like christmas in July.
Weekend just ended, that’s why. Things should be back to “normal” for a couple of days, hopefully.
It never been proved that i steal pot…
…or am i?
If most of the raid reports the ninja gdkp pot they get banned.
This isnt true. Stealing WOTLKC GDKP pots is the current meta way for people to pay for their subs. I know over a dozen accounts now myself including who will pay for WoW for free for a few years now because of WOTLKC GDKP and stealing Uld pots.
Before I started WOTLKC GDPK AND STEALING ULD POTS I was just a poor shepherd boy who struggle to pay for wow account. But ever since I try WOTLKC GDPK AND STEALING ULD POTS I have been earning $200/hour from home without college degree! Now, thanks to WOTLKC GDPK AND STEALING ULD POTS I have new found sense of confidence and can pay for many account for year to come, and all my family too! I love WOTLKC GDPK AND STEALING ULD POTS and I believe you too also!
You forgot how super easy and barely inconvenient it is. Just level an alt and get a name change and boom you’re all set!
Do a backflip, steal the GDKP pot and save the day.
Heavywood you are just a bad bait sh**poster, you don’t run gdkps you don’t steal pots, I’m willing to bet you don’t even play wow lol
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