How much are the Kaldorei and Horde in the same boat?

Kael’thas has a pronounced way with the ladies in a way that Mordent entirely lacks.

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Jaina would say otherwise

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He had enough of an obvious effect on her to provoke Arthas.

Arthas is not exactly someone I would expect to be… confident and optimistic, for the lack of better words.

Jaina still utterly refused him. Handsome face, but regal and annoying… Kael is a little bit of thin facial hair and bad head attire away from being the most unappealing of men.

Tips fel rocks M’lady

I’m pretty sure that worldview is gone, as Shandris brought up at Feralas:

    A Highborne mage named Estulan, estranged from his surviving brothers, has built a tower to the east where he trains young night elves in arcane magic.

    Were it not for Lady Tyrande’s recent mercy towards his kind, his execution would be my duty under the law. He will be watched closely, but I will not deny aid to my Sentinels simply out of pride.

Even Maiev - the extremist voice of Wolfheart who killed Highborne, Worgen, and tried to kill Malfurion - became best friends with the Demon Hunters and Illidan in Legion, and now was leading Highborne and Worgen at Darkshore and working under Malfurion again.

Again you provide quotes that don’t support your claim. Highborne are not killed on sight anymore… What a revelation.

Doesn’t tell us anything else about the role mages play in the current culture. If anything, the anti-arcane element of the culture still seems to have some merit, given the situation with the Nightborne.

More like cooperated while grumbling under her teeth. Throughout the entire expansion her dialogue either with or about him isn’t exactly one of gushing affection.

She makes it quite clear her attitude when she liberates the player Demon Hunter at the beginning of the origin cycle.

As usual you overlook anything you don’t want to see.

Or she’s happy to work under her Shan’do again, like she kept calling him back in Warcraft III.

in the quest Brotherly Love where you save Maiev at Black Rook Hold if you’re playing a Demon Hunter you get an additional line in the completion text:

    It's your turn to set me free, demon hunter. Let us destroy the Legion together.

That’s pretty much the only time in the entire franchise that you see her face.

Apparantly we have a resemblance. :slight_smile:

If you use an inversion filter I guess? You’re using the Night Warrior customization.

You find a random quote about highborne mages and make huge leaps and assumptions that Kaldorei culture has changed overnight after thousands of years of success and vindication. You are the only one here who is seeing something that isn’t there.

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You do know we have seen Night Elf Mages all over the place since then, right? Especially during Warlords of Draenor.

Yes, Night Elf mages exist. We are all aware, and I never suggested there weren’t. Maybe you should go back and read what I said…

My point remains, that appears to be a change in Night Elf culture where more and more Night Elves are picking up being mages.


Sigh… Gods, you are… A person… Okay…

For all we know, this is the canon. I happen to think it makes the most sense. It allows both for mages to be apart of Kaldorei culture, while not also sacrificing the worldview the Kaldorei have had since the end of WotA….

Head canon? Sure… But so is any other cultural assumption in this regard.

We done now? Did that clear things up for you? Or are you going to keep sharing irrelevant lore points that prove nothing?

You can have your headcanon all you want. I’m not stopping you.

The ban on mages doesn’t make sense any more, though. It didn’t make sense the moment High Elves and Humans practiced magic out in the open and gave away again where Azeroth was, which was what the ban was trying to prevent, so it was a moot law at that point. And it makes even less sense now after the Legion’s defeat now that they’re even less of a threat without Argus.


… Dude, how are you not getting this?

Does that sound like a ban to you?

Apparently so… holy hell.

I don’t come here to discuss your headcanon.

It’s all headcanon, dude. Saying the Kaldorei are doing a complete resurgence back to their arcane-heavy, imperial roots is just as head canon as my theory.

If you didn’t want to discuss headcanon, you wouldn’t have responded with your own.

Sure. If anyone said that the Night Elves are going back to their imperial roots. But no one has.