How much are the Kaldorei and Horde in the same boat?

And once again you play the selective inductive reasoning card. You’re sure able to switch that off whenever it’s inconvenient, don’t you?

They all originally supported Elisande when they left everyone for dead, and Azshara before her - the Highborne of Suramar were even described as “as an extension of the queen’s will” during the War of the Ancients.

And one of those hostile mobs, the one from the Island Expeditions, is serving under Thalyssra now after Elisande’s fall.


It doesn’t have to be consistent to display the absurdity of the world of Azeroth or the absurdity of your request that I am to believe Lady Liadrin (not a common folk btw, far far from it), has no access to knowledge of the events of the War of the Shifting Sands (let alone other things in Night Elven history), especially considering the relevance of that history to the recent history of the opening of the gates of AQ.
The knowledge of that particular event, which is all we need to disprove her claims of Night Elves “doing nothing”, should be available to some one of her stature, and if she did not know of it it shows gross negligence on her part, considering she should want to know everything available about the Kaldorei, even if only from the point of view of “knowing thy enemy”.

So again, either Lady Liardin displays a gross negligence to know about history that is available to her, or she is outright lying and spreading disinformation.


Or, y’know, the writers wanted the Nightborne to join the Horde, and they came up with something vague but positive for Liadrin to say about the Blood Elves. I’d bet money that this thread alone has spent more collective person-hours of time on figuring out what that statement meant than the person who wrote it.


I think this about sums up the entire story.


Obviously the writing is dependent on the writers and not the non-existent character. I don’t necessarily think their intent was to make her seem dishonest or negligent, but that’s still the effect on my end. What a character says will reflect on how I view them.


In other words, you’re still able to believe in the story as a story. I kind of envy that. But at times like this, it does make me glad I don’t have to come up with reasons why an otherwise upstanding character would be lying.


Taking the characters at face value must be quite an experience now that the entire cast of Horde characters is canonically brain dead or suffering from hallucinations and delusions.


Just falls into my policy of not discounting lore just because I dislike it or consider it poorly written. At least for discussion, I have plenty of headcanon for RP.


I got it. :slight_smile:

I may not like being taken out of context like that, but you hit the nail on the head of what I was trying to get across. At most, the “lie” Liadrin told about the time between the exile and the time the 2 races ran into each other, would be a fabrication which at the core is something that could be true but the one telling it has little, if any, way of knowing it is true or not.

I actually agree with you, but I also try to get hard heads to see possibilities, like if someone is claiming Liadrin is a liar, I try to find ways that show she might have lied but maybe not know she was lying.

I never made that claim. It seems no one can make an argument against me without putting words in my mouth. All I said is I don’t think we can take aggro lines from hostile, villainous mobs, as evidence for the way the non-hostile, non-villains nightbirne think about a certain thing.

The Highborne are Alliance lol.

You are the one who says you have evidence for something, but the evidence you provide doesn’t stand up to your own claim.

Again with this. They had little choice, it was that or be Demon food. Nothing supports it as a malicious action, merely a matter of survival.

Then why would they seal themselves away from the Legion? If they were aligned with Azshara, then the Legion were their allies.

And one voiceline from a once-Villian is somehow supposed to represent the attitude of the entire race? The opinion of one who was overthrown? Lol

Here’s some more direct quotes about the Highborne then from Well of Enernity since you’re pretending to put so much stock in direct evidence:

    He wore body armor of molten steel and in his huge, gauntleted hand he wielded a whip that flashed lightning whenever used. His chest and shoulders, so much wider than the rest of his torso, dwarfed those of even the mightiest warrior. Wherever the armor did not hide his form, pure flame radiated from his scaled, fleshless, and unearthly body.

    Set deep in the broad shoulders, the flaming visage peered down at the night elves. That it most resembled a brooding skull with huge, curled horns did nothing to dissuade the Highborne that here was a heavenly messenger sent to aid them in their dream of a perfect paradise.

    “Know that I am the servant of your god…” he hissed, the flames that were his eyes flashing hot whenever he spoke. “Come to help you open the way for his host and his mostglorious self!

    One of the beasts howled, but a snap of the whip sent lightning crackling over the creature, instantly silencing it.

    “I am the Houndmaster…” the massive, skeletal knight continued, fiery gaze fixing most upon the kneeling counselor. “I am Hakkar…”

    In the space of only a few scant hours, hundreds of the celestial host had poured through.

    Mannoroth had immediately taken control of them, sending them out to purge the unfit. Once, Xavius might have found that idea horrific, but he now fully embraced the ways and methods of Sargeras. The god knew best how to achieve the perfect paradise the counselor sought. Had not the quarter reserved for the homes of the Highborne been completely spared? From those who served the palace would arise the new Golden Age of the night elf race, an era eclipsing any existing prior to it.

Or join the resistance and fight the demons, which they had no interest in, unlike the rest of the Night Elves.

World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I, Pages 99-100:

    Azshara and her Highborne used the Well of Eternity's energies to bring the Legion's minions into Azeroth. Waves of demonic warriors flooded out from the queen's palace, murdering every night elf in their path save for their Highborne allies.

World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I, Pages 103-104:

    As battles raged across central Kalimdor, one group of Azshara's servants grew increasingly concerned for their own future. This small sect of Highborne sorcerers acted as an extension of the queen's will. From their headquarters in Suramar, they engaged in covert activities aimed at securing Azshara's rule and strengthening the empire.

    Though Suramar’s elite Highborne had pledged their undying loyalty to Azshara, their views on the queen began to shift as the war dragged on. The group’s leader, Grand Magistrix Elisande, feared that the Legion did not have the Highborne’s best interest in mind

    the rebellious Highborne had no plans to join the night elf resistance and continue fighting the Legion. Fearing calamity, Elisande and her followers worked to fortify their holdings in Suramar.

I’m referred to a voice line from an Island Expedition NPC representing the Horde Nightborne. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Actually the Highborne for the most part… are dead… wiped out in the War of Thorns.

And again I specifically was referring to the Ex-Highborne. Both the Sin’dorei and the Nightborne have evolved away from the standard Highborne physiognomy.

It’s been pretty clear that Blizzard enjoys writing stories for the Horde, at least the old guard writers do. Horde iconography dominates the outside of Blizzard’s own HQ.

So I’d find it a bit hard to believe that there is active “hatred” of the faction. That said they may have different views on how to use it.

The Issue I take with Thalyssra Joining the Horde, isn’t that it doesn’t makes sense, because it sort of does, but rather joining one faction does not (or SHOULD NOT) equate to joining said Faction’s war against another Faction (one that literally just came to the Nightborne’s Aid a week ago) at the drop of a hat.

Whatever Thalyssra felt about Tyrande or how Tyrande felt about Thalyssra, it doesn’t make sense that Thalyssra would join the war again the Alliance. At best, Thalyssra should of joined the Horde ONLY on the condition that the Horde and the Alliance ceased aggressions on one another. Storywise, it would a perfect opportunity for Thalyssra to return the favor that both the Alliance and the Horde did for her people by helping them to end a Bloody Feud!


Dude… where? Lol

So putting up a magical barrier in fear for their very lives is the same as joining the Legion… got it.

The populace of Highborne were slaughtered in the streets. It wasn’t all Highborne, it was Azshara’s inner circle.

Key word here. Suramar didn’t align with Azshara, Azshara just had agents in the city.

And your whole point is that she served Elisande during Legion. Which may not even be true, and even if it was, one voice line from one NPC isn’t a blanket statement for the perspective of the entire race.

Gods you are tiring.

And those who are alive are Alliance

Who are also Alliance… except the Nightborne. Sin’dorei are separated from the Highborne by several generations.

That’s some impressive strawmaning and jumping to conclusions. Which is rich, coming from you:

As it seems you can’t make any argument against anyone without this same tactic, either.

My point was that she serves under Thalyssra now in BfA, and is still shouting out “Lowborn scum!”

The Horde plan was actually to keep the Alliance Highborne too busy on Teldrassil to come help. They might have killed some Highborne, ones that came to help on the battlefield itself, but they were not all wiped out. The mages are even referenced in A Good War as still fighting and killing the Horde after the time in Elegy you are referring to where the casters were targeted. And of course we see our Highborne Alliance side in the Darkshore Warfront, too.


Dude, that’s literally what you’re doing LOL

It’s not my fault your evidence doesn’t support your claim.

Good job, you proved that at least one Nightborne is racist.

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Culturally they’re still the same. The Sin’Dorei are descended from the Highbourne nobility and the Kaldorei are descended from the peasants they had always held in disdain.


The challenge would be to find one that isn’t. Night Elves as a rule are descended from racist, xenophobic stock dating all the way back to their Troll origins… With the intense stratification of the Empire the various castes extended that to each other.

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