How many VE are going to go HE?

So how many of my Void-tainted brothers and sisters are throwing away their taint and returning to the realm of normal skin colors? I also fully expect to see 150% more elves in Stormwind when the patch drops.


I’m going to see a looooot of happy Quel’dorei RPers in the near future.

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If this is a barber shop option, I’m going to take a look at it and see how I feel about it.

If I don’t like it, my VELF will be purple skinned again.

This was a good call anyway, because why would all the VELFs be purple, except Alleria? How’d she get to keep her original color?

Obvious answer is she can suppress the Void inside her enough to get her color back, and the rest of the VELFs should too.

Well done, Blizz. You done good this time.


I absolutely am. I was prepared to just bite the bullet and be a void elf when I made this character because I was so sadly resigned to the fact that we’d never get high elves. But now that I see we’re FINALLY GETTING HIGH ELF SKINS! WHOOOOOO!!!


I have a feeling I’m going to not only be the only Pandaren in Stormwind now, but I as well will only be the non-elf in stormwind. Besides the NPCS of course.

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Oh I’ll never abandon this character for an elf.

This is my main until the end.

I could never abandon the /WAGGLE


I’m not really sure that’s going to be the case. People who tend to play other races enjoy those other races. You’ll lose a few more human females that will go over to play Void Elves but other than that I think the balance will calm back down.


This guy will keep the visible void corruption, being a warlock and all. But I really am looking forward to playing a proper looking elven ranger or warrior now. :smiley:


I’m already making a new character with a description fit for her future appearance aha.

Same! I can also revise my backstory a bit to not be forced to play a former blood elf but rather a high elf that remained with the Alliance, maybe taking up the void in the process.

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Some will go HE, some will be void elves.

They’ll all be Void Elves we just choose to pretend otherwise.


I meant more in terms of the customization. This character will have the HE customization, my rogue won’t :slight_smile:

There are a lot more new Void Elves in Telogrus Rift than there usually are.

But to the question, Vanaelia won’t. The only thing i might change is her eye color, specifically from the default to the newer purple one (because that’s closer to Void stuff).

Mind you, I’m glad people get to play what they want to play, and maybe if I made a newer, younger void elf, they might keep one of the blood elf skin tones. But Vanaelia is who she is, and that’s all there is to it.

Visaerys was always supposed to be more like Alleria, so I’m really happy that I will finally get that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Never you all must keep your eyes tainted!
The fel tainted eyes in my kin made me feel we were all abominations together. :frowning:

Saria isn’t going to be happy to see qual’dorei walking the streets of Qual’Thalas freely. lol

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I won’t be changing any of my “Void Elves” to High Elves. But you betcha I will use the new skin tones on the ones that were always meant to be High Elves, like this fella.

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This character will be retaining the void-tainted appearance. I’m happy for the high elf role players, and I am also happy that those of us who want to stay all in on the void stuff will be able to. It’ll also be interesting if anyone wants to portray their void elf as having somewhat reverted back to something closer to normal by means of refusing to use shadow magic or call upon the Void as much.

Also, I wanted to mention in reference to the statement a few posts back about why void elves presently look different from Alleria, that the ways the two became what they are were different. Void elves were being forcefully transformed into incorporeal void beings by Nether Prince Durzaan when the ritual was interrupted part-way through. Alleria willingly absorbed the weakened dark naaru L’ura. So there is a little bit of a difference there even if much of the end state is similar.


All voidy all the time.

I’m actually really enjoying being a blood elf gone void elf, so I will definitely be rolling a new high elf character. :slight_smile: