How many VE are going to go HE?

tbh I prefer elves over humans.

Also yaaaaaaay, my elf can finally look GOOD wearing mogs that aren’t absurdly dark when this happens.

I’ll absolutely be converting a VE to HE… Or maybe 3 >.>

Might go lighter skin tone, but wont pretend to be a Quel’dorei, and will continue to treat people RPing Quel’dorei as crazy void elves who think they’re Quel’dorei. Till I see the race on the character select screen.

I might make one as a new character.

Why? Seriously.


I’m definitely walking this guy here into the barber shop as soon as the new High Elf skins are available!

And for some of the posters here, void elves are not all blood elves. There were some high elves sent by Alleria to Telogrus Rift to learn from Umbric. This is the backstory I’ve written for Quinthas here.

Taliesin and Evitel put a great video about it:

So you can be a high elf and still be consistent with in-game lore.


I would… except I literally haven’t unlocked any of the allied races yet >.>

I still need to unlock all the Horde ones. ;-;

I’ll probably change this one.

They won’t be, they’ll be blue-eyed sin’dorei

Rest in Peace Void Elves. You were dead on arrival from a lore stance and nobody will miss you.


I want the high elf skin for my VE only because I’ll have more mogs to play with. Hard to wear certain sets if you’re always blue or purple.

being a void elf is kind of integral to the one I play so no

Because you’re crossing their arbitrary line in the sand, and as we all know that is the greatest sin you can violate on an an RP server.


I have 2 main High Elves that I play in which were never supposed to be Void Elves. My hunter, was always a high elf. There was I time where I was going to make her a void elf, but there were somethings I didn’t understand completely and decided to back track.

So yes, all my void elves will be high elves. I am not a huge fan of being the extremely sensitive to Holy Magic, especially when my main is a Paladin.

I think the Voids gone to this ones head.

I’m staying Void. It’s a big part of this character’s identity and rewriting him would break a bunch of parts of his character. After all, it’s how I justify having a large wolf following me around.

I do suspect that the velf population’s about to tank though and many of us will switch to helfs.

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This one here is an arcanist that I’d said had regained blue eyes again from high uses of Arcane energy instead of green-Fel eyes even while she was still a Horde character. She never delved into the Void in any extremes, favoring Chronomancy, and she just hitched a ride with the Void-infused rebels due to disillusionment with the Horde. Kael’thas is dead, Orcs are brutal and smelly and overuse spikes in their decor, Trolls shout too much, and Tauren do…whatever it is that Tauren do. Not much, in her opinion. So she preferred to return to the relative sanity and rationality of Stormwind.

So I’m looking forward to losing the blue skin and tentacle hair for sure!