How Many Times Were You Killed By 'Stitches' In Duskwood?

The mob density in that area with all the ghouls was pretty insane. I remember dying countless times and cursing at the wind.

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Not very often, people would practically camp the area. Usually, I would tag him and let the townsfolk deal with him - by the time he was done with them a higher level player would swoop in and help out.

I probably died far more often from Mor’Ladim, there was not as much room to kite him, few people would be hanging out to help, the adds would almost get me every time if he did not.

I mean, stitches was tougher, but there were mechanics involved for him that just did not exist for other elites.

I recall being in groups kiting the Devilsaur to razor hill and Org. Getting him on the elevators in 1K Needles was always a thrill.

What was the name of the NPC that couldn’t die? I recall leveling weapon skills up on him.

Yeah stitches was a much larger and more out solo and predictable npc. His deadlyness consisted entirely of his brute strength and aggro radius while he went around the main parts of Duskwood.

Mor’Ladim however while not as overly powerful and brutal was well masqueraded within a bunch of undead npcs and the areas in which he aggroed you were usually already busy fighting. So this caused you to run… within an area that is dense of undead mobs. . . So less brute strength but deadlier via situational placement haha.

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It was a shame when stitches beat me to the kill, but yeah, he’s a good bud of mine.

nathanos required an actual raid to kill. he was vanilla’s version of a world boss.

no lie.

Then what where Azuregos, Kazak, and the Emerald Nightmare Dragons?


whats the point of your comment? is this a comparison of world bosses or?

or are you just looking for something to fight about?


No, you called Nathanos Vanilla’s version of a world boss… when stronger world bosses existed, so I was wondering what they were if they weren’t Vanilla’s world bosses as well.

Edit: Hell I wouldn’t even classify Nathanos in Vanilla as a world boss. He didn’t drop any epic loot. He was just part of a quest.

It’s ok, people make mistakes, no need to be defensive from being corrected.

and he was.

i have no idea what you are trying to get at? are you wanting a comparison or not? and how is that relevant to my comment?


He was a quest mob that dropped no loot that I remember. A really strong quest mob.

he was part of a kill quest, yes. for the alliance. how does that not make him a world boss? because i am pretty sure world bosses do not drop loot.

Except world bosses do drop loot.

no. im pretty sure they dont. elite spawns do.


well, im sure there are exceptions. but lets break down some facts here-

Nathanos + Hounds; required at least a 30 man raid. was in open world. could be killed with or without a quest. dropped no loot?

but he isnt considered a world boss to you. because…he dropped loot?

Nope. World bosses drop loot. That’s why they’re world bosses. You don’t call Raid bosses, elite raid mobs do you? Edit: I mean you could, but you don’t.

so then, why did you comment to me in the first place?

Because I can. As I tell people all the time. If you say something in a public forum where I can see it. And I have a response to what you said, I will respond. You don’t get to decide what I do and don’t respond to.

Also Nathanos drops no loot in vanilla. Not a world boss.