How Many People Raid?

Are there really that many people that raid? It seems much investment goes into raid content and I wonder if it is worth it.

How many people have to raid to make development on it worth it in your opinion? 10k? 100k? 1 million? What’s the magic number/percentage you are looking for?


I don’t as I can’t find a guild that raids weekdays from 12 - 2am and needs a tank.

On occasion I’ll pug it but thats not nearly as fun.

Imo, group content (raid, PVP, dungeons) is what makes WoW fun. I was a solo player in SLs and it isn’t fun. I’m sure there’s enough people who raid to make it worth it. Now, you can argue that 4 levels of difficulty may not be worth it, and I’d agree with you.

This is a troll post, and a super low quality one.

I do. Twice a week.

Weird topic to try and troll with. Raiding existing at all is not really a controversial topic shrug

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Yes, I would say raiding is one of the most participated in activities but that’s just guessing. If we look at there’s 19786 guilds that are at least 1/11N Sepulcher, if we assume every group is 15 players (which isn’t accurate because this number includes all Mythic guilds as well) then that means a minimum of 296k players can be proven to raid. This is excluding all pugs and LFR so I’d feel confident saying at least half a million players raid.

How much of the playerbase is that? :person_shrugging: No way to know since there’s no official sub count.

The only other group activity I’d say is more or equally participated in is M+. No insult to anyones activity but I don’t believe there are 500k people pvping each week including random BGs, Rated BGs, and Arena. Maybe during CompStomp week but that being “PvP” is debated.

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frankly, this game would do better without PvP.
If it were PvE only they could get it balanced easier and we could have nice things because they would only be directed at NPC’s that dont matter instead of other players who will complain “CAN YOU PLEASE NERF HUNTER, ETC”, lol.

I wish this game had never had PvP, because, as a long time PVPer, this game SUCKS at the entire concept. PvP is about SKILL, not about who can sit in their basement the longest farming the best gear. that should be for PvE play, not PvP.
Theres no way for them to balance it all for PvP with all the abilities so that ALL specs and classes are on equal ground. They have a hard enough time doing it for PvE, lol.

But this cat is out of the bag, so they say, so we’re stuck with what we have.

Honestly, PvP existing hasn’t really affected me in PvE for quite a while now, so I don’t mind. The item level separation in instanced content and targeted tuning to abilities only affecting PvP or PvE seem to have worked well. Hasn’t always been the case in the past, so I understand where you are coming from, but they have done a much better job keeping both things apart from each other recently, at least in my opinion.

While I don’t really enjoy any serious form of PvP, I don’t think removing it from the people who do is a good idea.

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Raiding in WoW is one of the best features of this game. Hell Blizzard is probably the best in the world at making raid content as well.


No, definitely not a good idea now.
I just wish it’d never been part of this particular game.
they need to separate the two systems entirely.
Gets really annoying hearing someone whining about my hunter needing trashed because they got beat in a battleground by one. lol

It all makes sense now!

I have no idea about Normal, Heroic or Mythic Raiding. I do not do that content. I am very happy just doing LFR.

I belong to a guild on a RP realm that does not do any kind of organized raiding or even Mythic dungeon stuff. Sure we have members who do that kind of content but I dislike it a lot. I am no good at it and I chose not to get better.

I do LFR for a little gear and to see the content.

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As long as the participation rate doesn’t dip below archeology, it should be safe.

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Of course it isn’t, but the fact that people watched a Bellular video highlighting the lack of participation in raids lends some people to think that the game should be designed another way that they’d enjoy more.

It’s a stupid argument. In every MMO that features raiding, there are less people clearing raids than there are clearing raids. It’s been like this since the inception of MMO’s in general, and WoW specifically. They look at it as a “gotcha” argument to advocate for things like being given mythic raid gear for being frogs in zerith mortis.


Peope really need to start taking content creators with a huge grain of salt. Their enitre existence is based on creating contraversy for clicks.

Blizzard would not spend all that time and resources designing raids if a large percentage of the players werent doing them. The majority of the guilds are centered on raids.The game since its inception had raids as a focus for the endgame. You quest and dungeon your way up to the big finale which is the raid. MMOs like SWTOR died quick because they didnt develop their endgame. Questing is what you do when you level, its not a viable endgame.

If a player dont like raids fine. Dont do them. But dont try and spin some lie that no one is doing them. People look foolish when they try and do that.


PvP is balanced separately from PvE. And PvE always gets priority. But I agree, WoW PvP is hot garbage, and it’s more about gear than skill (unless you are already at max rating where everyone has max gear).

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Thats interesting to hear. You’d think by comments in here a lot of times that its the same exact math and thats why it cant be balanced for both. kinda why I have that impression myself.