How Many People Raid?

If people could do that then advertisers and the media in general would lose all their power :rofl: So basically donā€™t expect that to ever happen. Sheep like to be led.

have not touched or looked at a raid since legion. not worth the time/effort to mess with it

About 350.

I want to know what the hell people actually do in this game if they dont do any instanced content in SL.

Old content? How do you still have rep left after bfa and WoD? Like honestly, this isnā€™t mop where things to do actually exist, this is SL.

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As someone who hadnā€™t played since Vanilla and started back in BFA, I have a lot of old content to do!

Plus I donā€™t have much time to play so it keeps me quite entertained.

Iā€™m so sorry.

Really this ā€œinvestmentā€ argument is over played. Unless you are a world first raider, itā€™s not that big of a deal. My guild raids two days a week for total of about 5 hours. We have been able to easily clear all the raid on heroic and dip our toes into the first couple bosses in mythic.

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I loved BFA!

ā€¦Iā€™m so sorry.

Well, I used to raid a lot but for season 4 Iā€™m not even going to bother.

If I could mount during archaeology I would do it two hours a day. Itā€™s one of my favorite systems in the entire game.

I wish they would make some special archaeology only mount that had the movement speed only in archeology spots and let you survey and hit pots without having to dismount.

Hell I would be happy with just a boot tinker from engineering that did this.

While we canā€™t really get direct numbers, I recall Ion once said that besides questing and leveling, there is no activity that ā€œthe majorityā€ of players do. (I believe specifically it was ā€œno majority activityā€).

Which, if taken literally, means that there is no single activity that more than half of the players engage in regularly. So, for example, raiding could be 45% of the population, PvP could be 42%, M+ could be 44%, and so on.

We can ā€œkind ofā€ cobble together some stuff, but Iā€™d say that largely supports the idea that raiding is prolific but not necessarily ā€œmostā€ players.

Yup. There is quite a lot that raid, m+. So t he investment has stayed there since that is what WoW has always been about [raids and dungeons].

It isnā€™t for everyone but as a solo player, Iā€™m feeling like friends make the experience but I am not sure if it would be for meā€¦ would have to try the whole be on discord, schedule a day or two etc and actually have a main.

More people than post on the forums.