How many people dont plan to sub till classic?

I really hope they don’t do that; it strikes me as likely to lead to a ton of tickets that say things like, “I have to carry ammo! Fix this!” and “The dungeon queue’s not working!”

Which is why I have an active subscription. :slight_smile:

I haven’t subbed since early cata. LFR was where I drew the line.

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Expect the 1.12 version I am willing to bet a lot on it. There’s virutally zero chance they will actually give us the best version. I don’t feel this project is for the players. If they were serious about doing this properly there would already been blues/devs in this forum nutting it out with us.

In short they have already make up their mind it’s a low quality 1.12 clone. The only thing I see effort in is the game lighting tweaking. Although minimal impact on the end product It showed some passion.

Kind of irionic they don’t show the same for the real important features.

I hope I am wrong.

You could try asking CS to freeze your account/time.

Subbing when it comes out. Haven’t played since wod, was sorta interested in BFA at first not anymore. Never tried Vanilla before except for the current private server that I’m on, loving it so have no desire to sub to BFA.

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With the little faith I have with actibliz I some reason believe we’ll get 1.5 AV.
I have to believe this…

Little faith either it’s why I dont trust sharding at all even if they say just at the start.


Re read that and let me know if you catch something.

Blizzard cant avoid sharding anymore as its embedded in its cloud technology. What they can do is set the bar at which it triggers sharding to kick in. So it will be in classic to an extent.

Still doesn’t make sense. If you are talking about beta, an active account is not needed for betas. In fact you can sign up for them even if you play one of the other blizzard games. You just need a bnet account.

If it wasn’t obvious from the level 85 toon I haven’t had a sub since Cata. The game was already in a serious decline then. From the sound of things it has only gotten worse.

Are you a Blizzard developer? If not, how would you have knowledge of their implementation details?

Because of that thing called reading and research. Are you salty i know something you dont?

That doesn’t even make any sense.

Even if “the server will shard at a certain number of people” is hardcoded (something you’d need to support…), it would be as simple as setting the number to five million, and sharding would remain permanently in the realm of the theoretical.

Yet they can implement it and then take it away? They set the trigger point. Its not a matter of taking it in and out. Use your common sense.

Setting the trigger point to 10 or 10 million is effectively taking it in and out. You are arguing semantics.

Unfortunately, I’m getting the same vibe as well. They’re just throwing something together. As long as it kinda sorta feels remotely like Vanilla, that’ll be good enough for them.


lol. where is the reference for “Blizzard cant avoid sharding anymore as its embedded in its cloud technology”

Lol prove me wrong then if you have a problem with it. I don’t need to prove anything to you im not the one arguing. Sharding is a permanent part of the modern hardware wow is run on. Classic will be running on this same hardware.