How many people dont plan to sub till classic?

Exactly the reponse I expected.


And im still waiting for you to prove me wrong, ill be here all day.

Let’s recap the conversation this far:

Zavis: Blizzard can’t turn off sharding because…

Parthena: How do you know this? Are you a Blizzard dev?

Zavis: Because I am smarter than you. I did research

Parthena: where is this research?



You dont just turn sharding on and off you set its trigger point. Your paraphrasing needs some work also if you’re are going to quote people. If you have an educated argument to my point please provide. Does it seem that illogical what i said or are you just angry that it could be the way it is? I dont mind you refuting my answer but you’re no better than the person you are claiming me to be if you have no proof other wise, or do you just like to argue?

Once again, how do you know this? It’s not my responsibility to disprove your assertions.

please review this statement from Ion:

He makes it very clear that sharding can be used in a “time-limited” way, which means it can be turned off

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I will try to explain it more technically to you. Sharding is a method of splitting and storing a single logical dataset in multiple databases. By distributing the data among multiple machines, a cluster of database systems can store larger data sets and handle additional requests. Sharding is necessary if a data set is to large to be stored in a single database. Sharding allows a database cluster to scale with its traffic and growth. This is used to avoid failure of these systems. The level it which it scales can be coded in depending on said anticipated traffic. This technology is important in protecting the systems wow runs on in the current format which is much different than the systems of 2004-2006. While Ion said it would be time limited in its use he is technically saying we need time to assess the point in which it can be set to allow an unsharded experience in each realm. You seem to have interrupted this a function that can just be turned on and off, which it cannot be removed from the hardware its embedded in for stability. Do you honestly think Ion is going to go on a long technical rant that few would understand anyways about how its a permanent part of warcrafts modern hardeware structure? Or will he give the short answer he did? This does not mean sharding will be an issue in classic, but they really dont know atm how many people will play they can only speculate.

There’s two things that should be noted here: Sharding in general that has always been a part of WoW, and the newer evolution of it that we refer to when we say sharding.

Sharding in servers is the act of using multiple servers to work in unison to better handle loads. In terms of WoW they would have originally set it up so that each continent could have its own shard, and dungeons/raids as a whole would too. They call each of these individual servers blades and have sold off their old ones in the past.

This also means that if one shard goes down the whole server doesn’t crash. Ever try to enter a dungeon only to get a message about how the instance server is not available? What happened is that server blade went down.

The sharding that is mentioned here is where the instances can happen out in the world and the game will split people off into different shards without needing a loading screen and without them entering another continent or dungeon.

That sharding could be turned off, even if by simply turning up the threshold for it so high that it could never trigger on a Classic server. That’s not exactly the cleanest solution, but it would be acceptable.

To say that sharding can’t be turned on and off comes across as being disingenuous but claiming you are “technically correct” even though in reality, the sharding we hate on around here can functionally be turned off.

Dude, I know what sharding is. I have possibly worked as an IT professional longer than you have been alive.

The point is that the implementation of system scaling can vary widely. You seem to have some sort of inside knowledge of Blizzard’s implementation and claim that they cannot turn off sharding. I simply asked how you know this.

Ion strongly implied that they can turn off sharding for specific zones or for all zones. This directly contradicts your earlier claim.

If you want to backpedal and suggest that sharding parameters can be defined so that Classic servers aren’t sharded (which is what Ion says), then now you are basically defending yourself with semantics.

Instead of claiming knowledge that you do not have, you could have just added the word “probably” or “possibly” instead of just doubling down on how much more you think you know than everyone else.

In one of the dev videos, they made it clear that everything was configurable , which makes 100% sense since everything is in the cloud.

They also hesitated when word “realm population cap” was used in that they don’t really have the concept of population cap anymore and that everything is configurable.

I had this huge post on this if you want to take a gander.

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vote with your wallet

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Oh, man. I left halfway through the Burning Crusade, looked back wistfully a few times until Cataclysm, then never considered WoW again until I heard about Classic. I did do a starter account to check out Legion and it left me both bored and depressed.

Part of me really wants to play Classic. But…I would have to buy a whole new computer to play, and, to play as much as I would want if I’m playing at all, I would have to do a lot of schedule juggling. So I don’t know.

I unsubbed a month into BFA, I’m waiting for a month after Classic goes live.

I beta tested WoD and BFA. I saw mine and hundreds of other reports brushed under the carpet or fanbois stating “This is Beta, it’s not live, stop whining”.
What has Blizz said recently that has given anyone the impression that if they did a beta, they would actually listen?
To stress test the servers? Oh, you mean like the first week of every new xpac and the servers crash repeatedly and the fanbois telling people complaining that this is common and if you’re complaining, you must be new here?

I’m not subbed right now. I plan on resubbing for Classic though, will play the PTR just to get used to the old ways of doing things again. Will start looking for a guild a few weeks before though.