How Many of You Would Roll on a No GDKP Realm?

Trying to see the actual interest, or if it’s just all talk…


I did. It’s called Grobbulus. It’s awesome and I highly recommend :slight_smile:


Yeah except trying to play with people in my timezone.

Also, as we’ve seen with DeviateDelight, if blizzard doesn’t enforce rules, players will go there explicitly to break them.

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Its a symptom of the community being run by locust hearders

Thankfully locust hearders dont enjoy WMC

There is zero need to do GDKP on any server, even the bigger ones like whitemane, the thing is it will take more effort and you will have to find and participate in a guild. If you want to simply pug, gear up a ton of alts without really contributing to the overall success of a raids where all you want to do is leach gear, then the reality especially with older servers that are doing old content, you will be much more likely to find GDKPs as they are a superior pug raiding system since they reward all the raiders that come.

Even if you want to pug, GDKPs really are only an issue for those that are unwilling to main a class and become competent at it, as if you do, you would easily find yourself in the position where you are carrying those that simply want easy gear. If you choose this route, its best to progress thru the raids so you can always contribute, instead of expecting people to carry and gear you out in BIS end game gear, as expecting them to gear different alts week after week that never really contribute to the actually success of the raid is somewhat greedy.

Raiding is always best when you find like minded people to raid with who want to put in the same effort you do, though this can sometimes limit what content you get to do. You simply can’t expect others (pugs) to carry you through raids especially where you aren’t contributing to the success of the raid, and where its highly unlikely that any gear that you take, would contribute to any future success as its highly likely you will simply move on, likely to the next alt.

A guild raid of course is a bit different, as assuming you main, any gear you get would help you contribute to future raids, it will likely require some effort though, as you will need to bring consumes to places like Naxx and those can take some effort to gather.

I like how bigger the “GDKP is good” text is, the more asnine it is.

GDKP is a P2W mech for gear that is not auctionable(else they would be BOE) and as a result completely ruins the economy by over inflating everything to loop inside GDKP raids.
And since everything becomes soo expensive due the demands of gdkps bids, armies of bots spikes and dominate the economy so you cant even use profs.

Any opinion that disregard these facts is just unintelligent. Since its factually harmful to the community, only selfish or ignorants will defend it.


Why I like the quietness of BSB.

You are detached from reality.
GDKP slaps
If it was as bad as you say, a majority of people wouldn’t use it.
But since it’s the BEST

Completely ruins the economy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing:
For who?

Era economy is fine with gdkp

Man what a great argument you make here.

You can make a killing harvesting materials if you are willing to farm them.

Get over yourself and your hate

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GDKP is good for people who use it, and gold sellers/buyers. If you don’t, it hurts the economy, with inflation. People outside the GDKP system who just want to buy a few potions off the AH have a hard time justifying the costs. There’s a place for GDKP (whitemane), but there’s not a place for people who don’t want to participate with it’s effects.

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And yet….

A crafter of potions can make enough money to play the game.

A miner can sell there ores for a profit

A herbalist can profit off of gathering

If gdkp raises the AH cost- the professions make more money too.

Personal Solutions to your problem-
Create a character that can craft what you need
Join a guild where your brother and sisters hook you up

Super cringe statement. Anyone who disagrees with you isn’t as smart as you are and is therefore incorrect.

:rofl: :joy: :laughing:

On Whitemane the economy is not ruined by any means whatsoever. It is merely inflated. I have zero issues being able to afford consumables and as a matter of fact they’re much easier to get than they were in 2019 Classic. And the GDKPs that I do are just MC/BWL with my guild. I don’t do any of the big Naxx or AQ40 GDKPs where the real GDKP gold can be made. Those raids I do with round robin loot system with my guild, which is basically SR with priority.

There are tons of guilds that don’t do GDKP what are you on about.

There’s even a weekly MC/BWL soft res community (Alliance) advertising on LFG almost daily.

I’m 6/9 T3 didn’t pay a single copper for them.

And there are tons that do GDKP. Asking for ONE realm without it isn’t asking to much.


Just ignore it. Any server this old would have massive inflation regardless of GDKP.

God thats depressing

They could create a no-GDKP phase 6 Era server and open up free xfer to it. I wouldn’t mind.

If all the people that want to force others to carry them wanna self-select to that server they are more than welcome to.

I personally would not play on a server which micromanages how players can organize.


Faerlina is not “fresh” but has only one guild and is no gdkp. New peeps are welcome.