Well how many of you will ditch slands?
Do you ever sleep? Got a job or something?
TBC will be just as annoying, just for different reasons.
i will delete the game in the next few days for sure
PvP in both of them are very frustrating, I’m leaving for TBC because I enjoy the PvE content of BC
I must be the only one who did not like TBC expansion when it came out. While I enjoyed how tough the dungeons and raids were, they were very boring in comparison to what was in Vanilla WoW.
I don’t remember enough about PvP, but if this was the expansion where priests could cure poison, then that is the last time I remember playing my priest in pvp. It was fun as hell removing rogue poisons and then using the body and soul talent to get space. I’d often be able to kill rogues with my holy priest. It was quite amusing and I can see why it was nerfed. But shortly after that priests became so immobile I just couldn’t stand playing them.
I’m debating whether to go back to my priest in shadowlands because some of the mobility is back with FADE and angelic feather. But the pvp FADE is on a 45 second cooldown
While I’m sure the average player will find a way to have fun in either version the arena forum posters that will cry about anything are going to be having a nuclear meltdown when they start queing on tbc.
I’ll be doing my part playing WLD.
There are some comp in BC that can “play to not lose” (can survive for hours), they can do it to troll people or to tryhard, once you met these comp you’ll question yourself why would you play BC arena.
There is a 0 percent chance I play tbc. It will be horrible. A million druid bots flying around gold farming and blizzard will do nothing about them.
Bro you’re talking about some time from now… I would guess 4 of the 10 people left playing Shadowlands will quit for BC
Yea If I remember correctly, healing was quite strong in BC, and dmg was lower overall (nothing like the current state of wow pvp in SL). Arena was much slower paced for that reason, and also because it was a new thing, and many players were just not good. I feel like there may be a cry out for dampening…but we’ll see.
TBC will be dead on arrival, it’ll be filled with gold farmers buying the lv 58 boost so good luck buying any kinds mats or resources. The arena scene is also far worse than Shadowlands, matter in fact I think a lot of people will grow to appreciate SL once they tried out TBC as SL is by far the superior expansion.
The entire remaining playerbase will likely migrate to TBC while they wait out 9.1
Blizzard better hope the nostalgia doesnt wear off before 9.1 arrives, otherwise WoW will in fact be dead.
I was actually reading what you said and considering it logically…then I noticed who posted it. When reading your posts, I generally assume the exact opposite of what you say. In this case, I’m thinking TBC arena might actually be a big hit!
I don’t see how it’ll be a huge hit when people said the same thing about Classic which died after every major raid lmao
Well, classic doesn 't have arena. TBC (along with WOTLK) probably had the largest amount of people doing arena ever. There were 4 seasons in TBC. Maybe it will die after Season 4, but until then, I think there very well may be a lot of people coming to try it out at least in the beginning.
This is incorrect, SL had the highest participation out of any season prior. Someone did a whole study on arena participation at the start of the season, and between raiders/PvE players needing PvP gear to progress and the locked gear system, more people played PvP this season than any prior.
^fake news
Make an alt so we can q hpalla/rsham/arms
Source for this? Source for current participation?