How many of you will play on fresh servers if they come out?

Is in my opinion there is not enough different I’m still going to give input for changes but.

I have absolutely no hope now It could have been amazing and I just think it’s going to be bland now.

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I’m going to play. I enjoy lvling and the start of all server/expansion or anything new in wow is always fun.

In TBC right now I’m just raid logging, and I know that Classic at some point it is going to be the same. So for me being able to raid on both TBC and Classic at the same time seems really fun.

I also really like the changes they are doing with SoM. Faster lvling, more herb/mine nods/No world buffs are all changes I think I’ll really enjoy. I would like for them to do something about loot out of raids with less time to do them, but then again maybe playing through the raids with the same loot and half the time will turn out just fine.

No lie i hope i can play a different 60 character each year – id love to just play classic bgs for the next forseeable