How many of you Herod people

…would reroll on a CST/EST RP PVP server located out of Chicago?

Hearts = Yes


That’s not the proper use of the heart system. We are really out here farming likes now?

Most herod players are locked into their names so unless blizzard comes up with a way to fix that, rerolling probably won’t happen.


All Blizzard has to do is open a new realm and allow anyone on Herod to transfer over before new characters can be made on the new realm. Everyone gets to keep their names.


Is there a TOS post about the proper use of the heart system to which you can direct me? I’d be happy to comply. I’m not interested in likes or aware of their function. I’m just trying to get an idea of the demand for this type of server and hopefully get Blizzard’s attention.

They could lock Herod names on the new server for players willing to transfer.

i’d most definitely go CST

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Herod is already on a Chicago server…

I’m staying Herod regardless.

Correct, but it’s overpopulated and the Eastern half of the US does not have a dedicated RP PVP server like they’ve had in the past. I am on Herod as a result of that. I’m curious how many more are.

Let me put it this way.
I hear servers have population of 5000.
Between facebook and reddit, i have seen at least 1000 people on herod form gank groups complete with 8/12/16 hour shifts to gank every bugger from duskwood down to STV.
Lets say servers have 10000 players. So 1000 is still 10% split in 3 shifts. That means 3% of your server is camping to gank you at any given moment.
There are gankers backing those gankers to gank the guys who try to gank them.
Pretty sure a lot of peeps are not prepared, as Illidan would say.

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I miss that.

I would. I don’t RP but I simply want to play on a pvp server with a healthy balanced population. Whether that be east coast, central or west coast it doesn’t really matter. I also don’t really care that much about names, I can always come up with something new. If Herod is a mess, I’ll just switch to a different server.

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But its game time is not CST.

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The biggest attraction for me to RP PVP is the amazing World PVP.

How many players from a PVP realm would ruin a RPPVP server like you suggest? Sadly too many.

No heart for your troll attempt.

Why open a second RP PVP server, when the first one isn’t even at “high” yet?


Because I would venture to guess a lot of Herod players are players that would prefer an RP PVP in their time zone and region. The solution to Blizzard’s Herod problem and the solution to our problem can be solved, simultaneously, I wager.

Good RPers can’t have their experience ruined.

Ah, yes. Item #17 on the list of Things That Are Never Going to Happen.

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Maybe if they can use a cool name…I mean staalag?

why wouldn’t you just make it a pvp.

rp is just not as popular as their vocal fans like to think. even the new pvp server is high, the only 2 medium servers are the rp ones.

i say this as someone rolling on rp pvp who lives in EST and would roll on your new server for sure.