How many of you have made peace with slime cat mount?

Never. Casuals have nothing else to do in season 4, so I’m gonna make it known whenever possible because they made a moronic decision.


I might not get it. Just cause I don’t currently feel like pugging normal raids. I hate fomo mounts. But I really like Maldraxxus and the npcs there. So I might do it later. Lfr would have been great so I could do it in small chunks instead of a whole raid.

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I have 10/10 fated CN and I am not happy how this has all gone down. Those free mounts should be easy to obtain for everyone and in the game to be attainable all the time no matter what. Just because the hippies voted for the tree does not mean someone else who hates the tree and loves one of the other options has to not get what they want.

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There’s lots of mounts that come from content I don’t do. I made peace with that in vanilla.


What is “making peace”?
Blizz will forever be retardo for doing it :person_shrugging:

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The boost standard :laughing:


I voiced my disagreement with the decision based on the technical flaw in the beginning but have been fine with the actual intent from the beginning. If I want something, I will perform the action for it. If I deem something not worth the effort, I move on. Other people should try to do that too. It’ll make them happier long term.


Imagine having to raid to get the raid mount.


There is a slimecat mount? I hadn’t heard.

i think its a cheesey move, just yet another action seemingly devised to hack the community to bits. So many of them going back over some time now, no one “wins” the community just continues to be pitted against each other untill theres going to be nothing left. Dust and echoes.

As it is I recently withdrew from the guild i had been in since wod. It no longer felt the same, when i could play there was a tiny core group and just the few stragglers who kind of existed. I’ve not even logged in this week, I honestly do not know what the current weekly event is, last i knew it was world quests? My drive to play is pretty much gone, I dont fancy running old dungeons as m+ and i dont fancy pugging raids and i dont fancy leveling my remaining sub 60’s to 60.

Even if they didnt go full hack and slash on the community with the cat thing, I’d still be unlikely to get it, as i’d have to actually log in still. Am wasting my online time playing old school runescape of all things at the moment, basically the game i left in 2007 to come and start playing wow

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We added body types because we are all about inclusion. Except lfr players they are subhuman scum


I never cared about it in the first place, it’s ugly.

These ephemeral moments come and go all the time. Yet, time is something I rarely have.

So much is lost, but I care not. For there will be another and another… again and again

:night_with_stars: :blue_square: :purple_square::night_with_stars: :blue_square: :purple_square:

I accepted many years ago that there will be mounts and gear I simply won’t ever have. I’m in a dead guild, no interest in weeding through drama filled guilds to find one that suits my interests, no RL friends who play and I’ll likely never have the right gear to satisfy any randos to make a run for anything I want, so I’m not stressing it.


It never mattered to me. Personally I think it is an ugly looking mount but in the end I will earn it will raiding with my guild anyways.

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I got over it far faster than I can get over the forums whining about it.

I’ve never had to mute so many threads. Including the V/HElf threads.

I was never going to chase the slime cat mout to begin with.

I play Druids, I use travel form.


While i’ll likely do fated normal during the next go around, i dont really care about mount incentives, as i typically just use mounts that compliment my xmog.

Xmog cosmetics>mounts

Imo, ofcourse.

I think its a really poor and telling move from blizzard.

It makes me quite sceptical of what content they will have for us in dragonflight if they are so content with giving us nothing.

However the mount is so ugly i would not have made the effort even if it was lfr.

Ive unsubbed and thats that for the time being.

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