How many of you have made peace with slime cat mount?

I wonder how many already made peace with the slime cat mount and just moved on to something else entirely?


I made peace with it even before the announcement it’s not in lfr :person_shrugging:


Another spam thread and i dont have to make peace with anything i run heroic but every difficulty should have access


Despite it being an obviously unwise move, I wouldn’t have gotten it for myself anyway.

Shadowlands just isn’t that fun to play.


I don’t like how Blizzard handled it, but I don’t like the mount so I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.


I am not a fan of how it was handled by Blizzard, and I hope the people who were disappointed vote with their feet and cancel their subs.


What do you mean? I’m amazed they are letting people earn it in normal… granted it’s not technically an AOTC mount. I’m just glad Blizz is giving this slime cat some form of standard to achieve.


I have made peace, that I fully do not care about any of this nonsense but find these “Slime Cat” and “Kara” posts quite new and exciting!

Just as quickly as I got over SL being a bad, no good, terrible expansion.

By Day 2.

Jk jk.

It was day 3…


i never cared.

all i need is my shredder and yakk :slight_smile:


I got all the mounts I ever wanted for my characters, not interested one bit over it.

Also the mount is not that great in my opinion, but the pet does look cute :slight_smile:


So what if it is? This topic was made with positive vibes intended.

Meanwhile, here you come, ready to detect fun and end it.


Anyone still holding out hope for it being in LFR has 2 options:

  1. Build up to doing normal
  2. Unsub and save $$

I went through a few stages of coping. I was annoyed at first. Then I got real pumped for a day about getting out of my comfort zone and pugging for it. Then I thought, nah. I’ll live. Then I distracted myself by working on the N’zoth assault mounts I never bothered with before (got two in one evening!).

It’s still disappointing to not get slime cat. But I know the work involved won’t be worth it in the end. And hey, maybe one day they’ll do a recolour, or put it on BMAH.

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Never cared to begin with. I’m going to get it just by doing my guild’s normal raid schedule, and I won’t even ever actually mount it. I’ll right click the item and never look at it again. It’s piss ugly imo.


Blizzard should pull the ultimate troll move and have the Slime Cat as a drop in Lower Kara.


I’ll get it from clearing heroic anyway, i still think blocking LFR only peeps from getting is was a bad move from Blizzard.


Didn’t have a war going on that needed my offer of peace.

It’s just a mount, however it’s kinda given me an excuse to try raiding once more. Opening doors to new gameplay for me is a good thing. Even if I don’t get the mount, it’s gonna be a fun try. :grin:

Does it fly though?

I voted for it back then but honestly I stopped caring about it long before this announcement. I actually want the undead dreadwing in Mal but I am out of luck