ok little princess bye bye
you will find your charming prince
ok little princess bye bye
you will find your charming prince
AV is easy to “no life”.
Have 2 monitors…press wasd once in while if no backcaps happen on 1.
Have a video binge list up on screen 2. Or even work stuff like mails to catch up on, bills to pay, crap like that. You can get this done all in one go really.
Some are well versed at this. Elune knows I’ve leveled a few alts here 60 to 80 once tbcc to wrath cranked up the XP on AV weekends.
You can’t find the end to internet, but you can get pretty close in solid AV sessions lol.
with old system you could do 1-3 Warsong/week to get your R2 first trinket that is good for leveling on PvP server → the new system is buildt for PvE AV rankers
you are unaware of what Vanilla PvP is → most twinks nowadays are more skilled than lvl 60 rankers
I was on the edge of quitting before PvP released. Accelerated content releases without increased loot makes no sense. Everyone who isn’t hard reserving or buying third party RMT feels under-geared. We’ve all played this many times before – it’s obvious we are gear-starved.
I was hoping to quit raiding all together and spend my time grinding PvP to gear myself. Sure I would be missing a few coveted raid drops but that juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
Stalling battlegrounds for 10 days, capping weekly honor and limiting us to rank 11 all nailed the coffin shut. Anniversary PvP is just one day of AV leeching per week. PvP gear is meaningless. Your PvP performance has no impact on your rank progress.
One day of PvP and one day of raiding per week isn’t close to enough content to keep me engaged. If I spend 5 days a week logged out I will not log back in. It’s that simple.
Looking ahead the PvP grinders will hit rank 11 and be forced to wait 4-8 weeks to proceed. This is insane! There’s no shot I would do half this grind, be forced to take a break for 2 months, and still have a desire to keep grinding.
Classic 2019 was so much better than this abomination. We all know anything Blizzard touches turns to poop. I won’t play another one of these unless it is NO CHANGES.
i would’t go that far, it took me most of 3 nights week 1 to get the 33750 honor to reach rank 4, this week i hit 110000 in less time, and this coming week i need 256000, there’s no shot i could do that in wpvp
With winning a decent amount + solo kills I get about 25k~ an hour, maybe 30 if I don’t get unlucky/2v1ed. I’m also pretty geared (warrior) so this won’t be possible for a lot of people.
Yeah today has been 15-20k just sitting in towers/killing npcs
I’m just saying the people telling you 15-20k is too high are delusional. Hell, I got 12 killing blows in a 12m win which resulted in 7000 honor ~34k an hour. If I were a geared rogue I bet I could crack 40k easy. Of course there’s some luck involved but saying X thing is impossible is kinda fried idk.
You don’t get or deserve rank 14 with a casual amount of playtime, and you’re acting entitled if you expect otherwise. Don’t care about your work schedule or how many kids you’ve got.
That’s all I’m going to say on this.
I don’t see the problem here. Going over your threshold does nothing for you anyway
Why is getting rid of the thresholds pathetic? If the idea is to require a certain amount of PvP, does it matter so much if someone does goes from R13 to R14 in 2 weeks versus 10 weeks? Take two people, one sits AFK in the AV cave for two weeks but hits the honor cap thresholds. The other collects the same amount of honor over 30 weeks, but does it by killing the other faction in the open world. Which of these is more deserving of being able to buy PvP gear? I mean even if you hit the caps in AV and aren’t AFK, almost all your honor will be from objectives, not PvP.
Obviously just getting rid of the thresholds and not making any other changes maybe to much, but current thresholds actually push people away form PvP because they know they can’t put in the required time to complete it. The current thresholds also push stupid tactics like the current AV strategy which actually penalizes PvP in favor of PvE objectives, and greatly marginalizes WSG and AB.
Personally would be in favor of eliminating all thresholds, but at the same time drastically reducing honor from objectives, making it so that ranking is done through actual PvP.
aaaaaaaaaah finally someone with a brain
Try afking the honor to go from twelve to thirteen and you’ll catch a ban.
Secondly just because it takes longer is not an increase in effort
All battlegrounds prioritize their objectives, that’s the point a battle Royale bg would be boring and toxic af. If pvp on its own yielded better honor you would see a return to every high level zone being a blood bath
Moreover I suspect the tactics you’re referring to is the strategy of rushing straight to the end bosses, but if you entered AV at all today then you saw galv and balinda killed, towers taken, towers defended, and elemental bosses summoned.
Rush to the boss is a strategy used when you’ve reached your honor goals, but need to farm marks/rep
imagine this →
the guy who can play 10hours per day → he lose every fights 1v1 in AV mid during 10 hours every day of the week → he gonna get R14 for it
the guy who can play 10 hours per week → he win every fights 1v1 in AV mid → he is not gonna get R14, only because he have less time than the noob above
First of all I don’t know how you haven’t picked up on this yet, even after having it explained repeatedly, but…it’s not a measure of skill, it’s a measure of effort.
secondly 1v1s are a terrible metric. PvP has never been balanced around 1v1 each class is strong against some classes and weak against others
And third you don’t need 10 hours per day to reach rank 14, based on the honor I’ve gotten today I estimate 28 hours per week would get you to rank 14.
i said enough with this line
418k in a row of AV boss farming is evil
you can completly ignore PvPing with this “PvP” ranking system →
→ Edit: it’s wednesday 7:30am in EU when i wright this → there is ~25 AV going and 1 Warsong
Do more than farm bosses, I just had a great night with my pals running around holding the mid/southern objectives it was excellent. And excellent honor
9:30am in EU → ~70 AV going on for 2 Warsongs
it was the opposite on Era with the old system → people played AV only on AV weekend
this new system is purely buildt for AV 5min games in repeat → nobody play it for fun, stop denying (if you continue denying you 100% on Cra** smoking)
it’s all in favor of PvEers, that want to parse in raid (who is impressed by parsing btw???, seriously it’s a looser thing)
R14 with old system required ~10k HKS
R14 with new system require less than 1k HKS or even just 500 → you can completely ignore the interactions with enemy faction
AV 5min ranking is like being a redfish turning in round in a bowl → not worth 15$/month
→ cut the threshold in a half 209k → an adult with responsabilities can get the rank 14 he deserve in 6weeks while a tryhard 418/500k still get it in 2-3weeks
why don’t you want your faction mates get there R14? doing this grind is boring and so tiring that after you never come in WSG/AB → you avoid PvPing doing AV boss rush for PvP gear that never be used for PvPing again
So what? or are you saying that you would prefer the old system? Because if you think the current grind is bad you aint seen nothing.
this is not even close to true, people do “DREK or KEK” runs at the end of the week after they’ve hit their honor cap and need to farm marks or rep. a quick win with no other objectives completed is only work a handful of HKs (assuming the HKs were 1v1 60 rank 1 vs 60 rank 1).
The old system ranked you against everyone else on your server there was no set number of HKs (and even if their were an HK is worth variable amounts of honor dpending on your rank and level, the rank and level of your target, and who else shared in the kill)
not a thing, see above
just be thankful you dont have the old system you entitled child.
not even sure what you’re trying to say here this sentence needs some punctuation/proof reading, or maybe reworked all together.
yes i would be able to R14 with old system, because i’m good skilled
i was R11 with 3 character before TBC → TBC released i missed R14 just because it was the end of the ranking system → i was top 5-10 of my server every week with old system, i could get R14