How many of you ask to their [Rank 14]

i came here to try the American way, but it’s not for me

70% or more of your playerbase is in Pay2Win gold golders, i came in Whitemane cluster to see R14 people with 1k or less HKS, this system is BS

45% of EU playerbase is Pay2Win

10% of French playerbase is Pay2Win (where i’m from, it’s a ghost town now since Wotlk release)

i don’t know for Germans and Chinese

maybe get to 60 first.

lvl 43 with 5500 honor i could hit R3 with the old system

the new system now require me 33k for R3

this is BS

None of those show 20k per hour.

Not one of them was a 12 min game.

Looks like one of them was almost 30 mins…

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and i add, low lvl BGs are really fun, people use different gear like the leather chest that make who hit you sleep (lvl ~30 item leatherworking) it’s another gameplay that is worth the fun

and there is no AV honor farming in low lvl BGs

I know you are confused, so I’ll clarify that the time on the left is only the time that you leave the bg, you have to hover over them to see when they actually start, and you are also assuming that every single one was back to back to back. My longest was the last one and it was 20m, and I got 3567 for a loss. Thats still 10k per hour for losing.

I know you struggle with math, but a 13m bg that gives 4174 plus a turn in is 20k per hour

Here, heres me getting 8k in 30m today doing the 6m drek strat(obviously im counting turn ins before you try to gotcha me because the honor on nova doesn’t equal 8k)

Sucks to suck. Git gud.

casual mean who have less time

go Fortnite noob

you unskilled R14 with less than 1k HKS lifetime

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Ok, so like on Saturday I went from neutral to exalted with AV, and have 185k honor with unranked-rank 4 hks. It took about 15 hours.

Man this is already easy as hell

I got anywhere from 1000-3500 bonus honor in around 6 min, that’s just the extra from winning.

Getting rid of the honor threshold won’t help low level pvp, ranks are tied to level, and rank 1-3 don’t give enough honor to ever even reach 150k. Even if you grinded 24/7. My 29 twink Hunter never got past seargent.

Wow. That’s pathetic.

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15hours of 5min AV games in repeat

yeah, that’s the way of life everybody on earth is jealousing, we classic players are so privilegied to do 5min AV games, best videogame design ever


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

Don’t worry, by the time you get there it’ll take 30 min to queue for a 2 hr long game. This is only going to a last a couple of weeks, then when everyone stops the grind, the people for fun will be enjoying their turtle matches.

sergent is what a twink lvl 19 could do in less than 5hours with the old system

a twink 49 could get R11, and get epic mount that is lvl 40 required (not that easy but possible )

this system is BS

I don’t like AV, you understand??? we should be able to reach the threshold by PvPing for real in AB/WSG without wintrading like they do in Era

You can reach the threshold. Stop being an anti-social weirdo and join a premade. Otherwise accept the grind takes more time. Either way stop crying.

You can, you can even get it in wpvp, last week even, lots of rank 4 already. What do you want? Swipe for honor? Smh.

and then decay and lose it before you hit 60. You get less honor at lower levels, and you are rank capped at lower levels, or at least were with the old system.

Hit 60, go queue some WSG.

i got a warlock 60 on fresh, capped honor, so i enjoy warsong with my reroll hunt 43 and the honor gain have to be reachable. currently at 17k honor started sunday → it’s possible for the 33k R3, but imagine for the next threshold? this system is purely buildt for AV PvE rankers

it should be possible to rank 10 in lvl 49 bracket → but currently it’s too much insane threshold, rank 10 is what? 150k ? impossible with new system threshold

Edit: and now that i started ranking with my reroll, i can’t log my 60 → because i’m stuck playing my reroll to reach the 33k required or i lose all my honor progression…



vanilla-wow-archive.fandom. com/wiki/Honor_System#Level_Limits

ok Mr.Perfect

End ur stand, understand?

you are not a PvPer

I think overwhelming data would point to the opposite, but I digress. Continue to waste your time trying to honor cap a lowbie scrub.