How many of you ask to their [Rank 14]

This guy gets it.

The original system was also not really about skill.

It was about understanding the sliding scale formula for brackets and not falling behind the curve for your bracket. As some others have mentioned, it was common under the original system for players to end up needing much more than 500k/week to advance rank.

The system in place now is very much easy-mode compared to the original.

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it was more like 150k per week for bracket manipulators

i made it 300k/week on my server so i was always top 5-10 ranker → maybe they hate me for that (and doing it exclusively in Warsong, i’m skilled and win a lot)

It’s true that some smaller servers had weekly caps lower than 500k per week, but this wasn’t always the case across the board. It depended on how many people were participating in the grind and whether or not they agreed to coordinate versus being competitive and trying to bypass each other.

I’m not disputing that you could be a skilled PvPer, but then why is getting rank 14 in the new system even necessary for you, if you’re already winning your fights?

For better or worse, 500k/week is the cap blizzard decided on when the new system was released. It’s not a small amount, but it’s also not near as bad as it could have been- particularly when there is no decay on rank anymore.

BS, if you were bracket breaking as you claim your whole server would’ve permanently ignored you.

also if any player was so “skilled” that they could break brackets solo, they wouldn’t be in here crying about needing free epics

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to be fair 500k isn’t really the threshold it’s the cap. in the top ranks 418k is the lower threshold, and it’s alot lower for ranks below 11

Yea good point, I meant to write cap really. I edited this correction in.

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i win in mental/movement on the battlefield/decisions/team play spirit → but i can’t win 1v1 with my T0.5 against naxx geared buyers → this is why i ask for a fair R14 grind

i solo-queued the entire classic, never had a guild → yes they surely ignored me for that → people /slash cry near me in the SW BG hub → i’m from Auberdine French server, you can investigate Legendary Lamborgimli

Wait so you’re just admitting to being a bracket breaker for no reason?

Don’t you realize that you could’ve ranked faster and further by simply coordinating with the other rankers on your realm instead of terrorizing them?

I officially have less than zero sympathy for you not getting easy ranks in the new system.

There is nothing heroic about bracket breaking. Others could have got higher honor if they needed to- but the whole point was that they were coordinating so that it was easier on everyone.

For someone here now asking for lower thresholds to make it easier… I can’t believe you don’t understand this.

me Tarzan, i don’t give a F about this stupid community wintrading for brackets

Blizzard just should make it in a way people don’t have to abuse of it → blame the NoChanges, not me

You didn’t have to abuse it. You could’ve just played with the team and got your rank at the lower honor amounts. You are the reason the grind was harder than it had to be.

Then don’t be surprised when no one sheds a tear for you not being able to make a 500k/week cap.

ok bye bye princess

I’m increasingly suspecting that you’re just trolling out of boredom and you don’t even play classic wow.

I’m out of this thread.

Good luck with whatever it is that you think you’re doing here, Tarzan.

you can call me Tarzan, Rambo or Frankenstein, i don’t troll

i’m effectively a bracket breaker → but i wasn’t aware of it since nobody communicate in this game if not for gold things

blame the Nochanges or Blizzard but not me

So the old system took just as much time, the big difference is if you weren’t part of the mafia, it became difficult to rank, now obviously there were exceptions to this, but actual skill has never played into ranking in WOW, it’s always been about time played. Almost all ranking also even in vanilla was done in AV, it’s always been the most consistent and easiest BG to get honor in due objectives which aren’t actually tied to winning the game, well at least once people realized that 12 hour AV games weren’t the way to go.

Now the old system did have some benefits when the servers populations crashed, and there was little to no PvP, since it became relatively easy to game the system, so hitting R14 became relatively simple.