How many of you ask to their [Rank 14]

so you are a wintrader

i know there is Warsong in Anniversary, it’s FRESH

when new system came, Warsong and AB have been ghost town for 1year

cool story

you asked your little brother to farm for you? or maybe you paid a mexican? whatever

this new system threshold is BS

the worst skilled player can have R14 if he have the time for it

Or I can just get honor efficently because im not a crybaby bot. /shrug
r14 is the eaiest its ever been, if queues aren’t popping in era, sucks should of played fresh.

i’m playing on Fresh, but i know that when R14 is available, i want to be able to farm it in reasonable form → not 50h brainless in AV

Then do AB or WSG, its better honor.

418k-500k per week in a row is too insane (3weeks in a row for R14)

it purge all our IRL energy

it’s against the human rights

Blizzard have to respect their casual players

And im telling you its not as bad as you think, just from memory (so grain of salt here, but the numbers are at least close), the best HpH i’ve done in each BG is as follows.

AB- 38k / hr
WSG- 28k / hr
AV - 32k / hr (but as a rogue getting solo kills, non stealth is about 18k without doing weird premade shenanigans).

Thats not a huge time investment on a weekly basis. Also considering its only 4 weeks (less if you go the alternate route 250 > 300 split for r11) that seems fine?

cool story

go Fortnite noob

Yeah, he just doesn’t understand simple math.

It’s weird to make up stuff like that on a video game forum.

You keep saying that, but it doesn’t seem like you can hang, so maybe its you that should pursue other interests, idk what to tell you bud.

this guy here is a real PvPer →

not you

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12m win = 3.8ish honor, plus turn in equals 4k, 12m x 5m = 60m meaning 4k honor x 5 bg’s = 20k an hour, there you go mr failed algebra 2

you dont even need to get that for one week either… thats just for optimal gains, there is no decay so 418k honor is by far not required

you do have to do 418k to go from r13 to r14, there is no other milestone. Its only 1 week though. Theres no decay but if you don’t hit a milestone all the honor goes away and you stay at current rank

13 → 14 should be 2 weeks

He also might be an idiot, he thinks the fastest way to rank is speedrunning AV. Moron detected.

You aren’t getting 3.8k every 12 mins.

You are lying for no reason.

realtime example →

i started BGs with my hunter lvl 43 last night(started at 8pm, it’s currently 5am when i write this)

i did ~10 Warsong → from that got 129kills for 5630 honor, now i’m stuck playing this hunter to get to the threshold, or i lose it all

And no, this guy is not an idiot →

this system is really a shame

i got 25k HKS with my OG Lamborgimli on EU Era server → and i’m currently Rank 1, because i cloned him and have the decay done since i played TBC

Sorry, was much more than 3.4k

Show the 5 games after that.

The odd game you cap a few bunkers and win with 3-4k but 90% of the time that isn’t happening.

The alliance isn’t always trash and unable to win within 10 minutes.

Prove a streak of at least 5 games otherwise you’re just talking out of your butt as usual.

You realize you’re literally the ONLY person here claiming he gets 20k honor per hour?

Heres all the games i did to rank on my alt this week, sub 50% win rate, 151 minutes of active time in the bg, 37153 honor. Thats an average of 15k roughly with low points of 10k and high points of 20k. I should have said 10-20k an hour since the bad games were much lower than the good ones.
My 3rd alt got 10k per hour on average and that was by refusing to leave a game since I just killed harpies in the cave to level, whereas I would usually leave at 12m if it wasn’t over yet. I’m not gonna try to add up the 43 av’s I did on main for rep, but outside of a few turtles I averages 10-20k depending on the circumstances of the bg. I never said I maintained 20k over the entire thing, I said I averaged 10-20k during the process, which is 100% true.