How many of you ask to their [Rank 14]

Real rational

You aren’t getting 20k an hour.

Even if you win every game in 6 mins, that is only 10 per hour, and you only get like 1200 honor for a win that fast.

Math is a thing.

Post the names of your three 60s that you did it with please.


You can’t check my honor off my character names lmao. And I said 12-20k, 12m win was 4k+ honor which is 20k an hour and 6m wins is more like 12k

It’s hilarious that you do not realize the sheer impracticality of the BS you’re trying to peddle. We all play the game. We all know how ridiculous you sound.


Idk if you win a lot you get a lot of honor idk what to tell you, peaking 20k honor per hour isn’t that crazy, and 12-14k average is pretty normal

the thing you don’t understand Mr.PvE, is that we PvPers want to be able to rank in WSG/AB

this system is built only for AV 5min games

It’s hilarious to me that people will defend the current ranking system.

The fastest way to rank 1-14 is to speedrun AV, ending it in ~5 minutes while never pvping a single person.

HKs should be worth 10x what they are right now.

The fact there’s rank 14 ‘PvP’ players with like 1,000 HKs is pathetic.


400k is around the highest you’ll need to get which is about 13 hours of premade AB outside of weekend. (AB will be out for ranks 11 → 14). Sure it sucks, but thats not really a “significant” farm considering we saw > 2m caps for some people in 2019

the issue is if you do 399k instead the 400k threshold → you have to restart from zero the next week

if you have anything happend IRL, you lose all your progression

imagine you do 399k and something IRL calls you → boom, you lose all the honor you farmed and have to restart this stupid threshold

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and there is 0 decay, so you can just pick it up the following week. Seems fair.

and if IRL call you every week so you never get 400k but 300k max? you lose it everytime forever… (job/familiy/whatever IRL)

this system is for noobs who enjoy 5min AV games, not for PvPers

everything you have said so far contradicts that. Also 6 min AV wins are generally sub 2k honor, its a rep farm tactic. If you AV for honor you want towers, you want LTs, and I as a rogue camp GYs for solo kills.

go Fortnite noob

You don’t have to tell me anything, because everything you might say is BS anyway, so I don’t really care :sweat_smile:

418k, to be accurate.

Just because the farm in the old system was absurdly ridiculous for people who had extremely competitive brackets (I’m not even sure what server you’re referring to as I was on a pretty populated server and the rank 1 had to be at 800k and I knew of 1 million caps on other servers) doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not still difficult to manage the new system. 2 million caps just sounds to me like your server had pretty poor bracket management, or none at all.

One thing that a lot of people may not know is that there is a downside to Blizzard setting the caps instead of the rank points scaling to the top honor earning players.

On Era, with BGs being difficult to pop, a lot of players have difficulty reaching the honor thresholds at all. AV doesn’t pop that much and premades aren’t consistent.

This won’t be an issue in the initial push, but it’s very possible there’s a similar scenario 6-7 months down the line where the caps are frankly extremely difficult to hit simply due to lack of participation. The old system did not have this issue, because if PvP participation is down on your realm, that simply just made it easier to be rank 1 and make progress as such.

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I mean, out of everyone here you’re clearly not the PvPer, if you were getting 400k honor in WSG should be a joke. Apparently its difficult for you, which leads me to believe you can’t do good HpH, which leads me to believe you are bad.

People actually doing av’s today know you’re lying btw

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no, it’s the opposite

every player who enjoy AV grind and this new system never lasted in a high skilled Warsong more than 1-2 hours

you enjoy this AV meta → you are extremely bad in PvP

your hph drug addiction is not being good at the game, you just do school maths

6-7 months down the line 90% of the gear is irrelevant.

Heartseeker Alliance, last week was 2.2m, had a guild decide to try and break brackets with their own premade, vs a bunch of burnt out rankers, it was a crap chute.

This requirement is monumentally easier than the previous system still.

So the answer is yes, you do have to sacrifice 50 hours in the week that you’re making rank. That’s nothing compared to what it used to be.

Expect casual results if you’re only putting in casual playtime.

What AV meta are you even talking about? There are multiple popping WSG discord for Anniversary in any case. You are delusional at best.

7x r13-14 across classic versions and 13x HoTA in retail, dont tell me I don’t like pvp brat.