How many new locks

No… originally they were a race of demons in the Legion and Sargares just found them that way.

TBC retconned it to no he corrupted them.

That’s a change, not an expansion of lore.

yeah, my bad, i spose. Just used to old pen and paper RPGs. lol

If they gave Draenei the Eredar skin color options - I’d race change or roll a new lock in a heartbeat.

I like to have some backstory to my characters though, and I don’t think “Blue Draenei Warlock talked to a void Narru by accident” sounds as good as “Void Elf Warlock flunked out of the Mage Tower and found some dropouts in the basement of a Stormwind bar” in my head canon.

Hmm. That I don’t remember. So it’s one of changes made when they introduced the new races?

Yeah, long time ago when Blizzard used to have the story of the Warcraft universe on their website. I used to read it during maintenance.

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They didn’t even get that much lore, I don’t think. All I saw on PTR was an NPC chat box that basically said, “because I felt like it.”


Already got a few locks but yeah i’ma roll at least 1 more

Well frankly I think every class should be every race and the idea that we need lore for that is absurd.

It’s free will.

Your faction, profession and class are things you chose, your race is something you are. Race may impact the probability of an opportunity, but it is not itself an unbreakable barrier.

If a Forsaken devoted themselves to nature in their first life, Druidism or Shamanism should be no more off the table than cooking.

If a Tauren witnessed what the Orcs did to Ashenvale, why can she not choose to join the Alliance and be on the side of the good guys?

If a Lordaeron Human found out their wife was still alive as a Forsaken, can they really not just choose to live among the Horde and put their love over politics?

Why on Azeroth is Acherus open to Gnomes but not the Church of Light?

If lore restricts good gameplay, you change the lore, but we certainly don’t need to “invent lore” to justify the millions of scenarios where the race / class / faction divide are just plain bad.


Keep it in your privately secured chassis

will they walk in lock step?

No it isn’t. Lightforged are Lightforged for a reason.

This is a lore-rich game where races had culture and uniqueness. Where Blizzard once said we follow the culture of our people and our home.

Without lore, races turn into just skins no one cares about.


You’re entitled to your opinion.

But yours is wrong.

Race, class and faction divides are for 1st* edition. WoW is way overdue for 5th edition.


LOL second dumb comment I’ve read today. Goodbye.


What’s the best racials for Lock now?

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The eredar, an insidious race of devilish sorcerers, used their warlock magics to invade and enslave a number of worlds. The indigenous races of those worlds were mutated by the eredar’s malevolent powers and turned into demons themselves. Though Sargeras’ nearly limitless powers were more than enough to defeat the vile eredar, he was greatly troubled by the creatures’ corruption and all-consuming evil. Incapable of fathoming such depravity, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. Despite his growing unease, Sargeras rid the universe of the warlocks by trapping them within a corner of the Twisting Nether.

That was the original version of eredar and sargeras.


Picked up the Antoran Felspire and Sinister Felstaff for my upcoming fem draenei warlock.

Will, of course, run around with Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe transmog.

OG draenei, not that lightforged nonsense.

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I’ll be a cool zalandari bc yknow zalandari’s=best race

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Some players prefer stagnation. Some players prefer growth.
I think blizzard might be figuring out that the bulk of WoW players might just be in the latter group.

Ooh that is very different. Thank you!

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Just going to race change some of mine.