i’ll probably roll one of each new one but almost never ever play them or level them because i’m dumb like that
None now. Without the observer, I can’t go on. My existing three will have to do.
They might be, they might not be, but really I think ESO has handled it the best.
You are born, and everything you do from then on is a choice. Choose your allegiances and your class and your professions. The idea that no one ever fled the ranks of the Banshee Queen after all of her genocidal acts or that being a Night Elf meant you could use fel magic as a demon hunter but not as a Warlock… I mean come on. There is not a single Paladin in all of KulTiras because what, the Church wasn’t tax exempt in Boralus?
There was never, ever, a great reason for class, race or faction absolutism, and there still isnt. I’m off on a tangent though.
This is an MMO, and to survive it will need to convince Zoomers to play before the Boomers begin to literally die off. Class and faction restrictions being tied to race are an ancient concept and are just as detrimental to new player adoption as the overall endgame complexities.
I came to the game in 2017. I literally dont give two squats about the lore, lol. Make every race be every class. Bring it on. I dont have fun playing lore, I have fun playing the game. lol
Im not arrogant enough to believe Im the only one who feels that way.
Few if any will quit the game over classes opening up to more races…but it might make people play more and invite their friends to try the game out.
As you say, they need to make the game appealing to new players as older players are walking away or this game is dead sooner than later.
I got to admit, the division in the game being by race always felt…well…lol
I initially only planned on making a Draenei Warlock for Alliance (been wanting it since TBC) and a Highmountain for Horde (the Feltotem looked so cool).
But now with all the faux outrage, I’m going to also make a Lightforged, Night Elf, Pandaren, and maybe even a Mag’har. Just for the lols.
Def a panda lock. not sure on the others tho…
Pandaren, lightforged, and maybe a tauren I think.
I blew my boost on an Undead Warlock some months ago not expecting Warlocks to be made available to all races. I’m not too fussed about it though as leveling is really easy to do.
Mine will be a Pandaren.
Panda ftw. Just need panda dh too.
Imagine being a LFD warlock and being able to get an option for a Fel rune on the head.
Perhaps one day the Man’ari skin, too.
Maybe it can be obtained via an epic questline akin to the green fire one.
Why is this such a commonality? I want to make one too, lol.
Well, was gonna race change to one, because I don’t feel like doing the green fire grind/quest again, but still!
Their casting animation is just so dang fun!
Draenei don’t get Red or Obsidian options and there’s no Lightforged Demon looks to use.
So, none. I’ll stick to my current Warlock until Blizzard let’s us be the real Draenei and Lightforged Warlocks.
At least 1 Draenei lock just because.
Not me, I’m hyped for the mage reworks and will just be slamming them.
Yes, this.
Same…I might even roll a Lightforged Draenei lock for extra lulz.