How many names do you have in reserve?

Helpful tip: You can use a second wow account, sub free, to reserve your names without taking up a character slot limit on your primary play account.

I have 30 names in reserve for future alts, although I only have 18 character slots left to fill on my main account. Almost all are duplicates that I use for both Alliance and Horde. Jerauld-Uther is this Druid, while Jerauld-Runetotem is a Blood Elf Paladin.

None for future alts, but I have the name “Awkward” on most OCE servers, both in retail and classic.

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You do you man. It isnt that serious,

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I just use all variations of Ralph with some alt codes, sadly one was stolen from me >.>

I managed to get Quills on Area52 for my Horde main, but sadly it’s already taken on Stormrage, which sucks because I want it to be the name of this toon too.

Quills-Stormrage, if you’re out there… name your price.

Just have one now, with the second one I was saving now being used for a Zandalari now that I actually have them unlocked. (Pvpbro)

Can’t wait to tear up BGs as Belftears the High Elf.

None. :heart: I don’t judge anyone who reserves names, but I only want to give my character a name if I intend on playing them. I don’t want to take that from another player.

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You mean you are exploiting a loophole in the system in order to hold onto 30 names fraudulently.

Tacky, tacky, tacky.



Me either. These days I mostly play randomizer roulette to find something that strikes me.

None. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing lately. Except for this name.

One, but not on purpose. I have a rogue named Cat that I decided not to level (at least, not right now). So now I have it on reserve.

I am capped at 50 and around half of them are just names I might someday use. My last several characters all picked names from my stable, so working as intended I guess.

None, I already have most of the names I like. If not I’ll just think up new ones.

I’m still mad I lost one of my favorite names though some months ago. xD I deleted the character, but didn’t save the name. Now I’m watching for the day I can reclaim it!

(Statement): Unit Exacitor just noticed this thread. His thoughts on the matter of names can be found in a thread he just made.

(Commentary): Apologies if this is advertising.

It would be Awkward if you didn’t… :wink:

Thanks I’ll see myself out…
/e ducks thrown fruit and vegetables

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A lot.

Sprocket, Swiper, Loki, Hathor, Farkas, Aela, Lotus, Midknight, Demise, Roadkill, Badjuju, Davoodoo, Mojomama, Bigdaddy, Bigmomma, Athena, Fluttershy, Rainbowdash, Rarity, Pinkiepie, Applejack, and Twilight to name a few.

I bet you can guess the race of some of the characters i listed above just by reading their names. :laughing:

Cannot wait to finally level all these alts once the prepatch brings in the new leveling changes!

i just made one the other day. all the necromancer talk, i thought of a name that i loved for one. A goblin necromancer named after the band Nekrogoblikon! the full name doesnt fit, so i had to clip some of it, but i like it. i doubt ill ever get to actually use it, but its there just incase.

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There are no names that I’m this attached to where I feel “reserving” names is necessary.