This guy.
A fury warrior so I can grind King’s Rest to get the Tombstalker mount in approximately 124 years.
And, a mag’har death knight, exclusively leveled up to obtain the wolf helm.
Hunter: night elf, orc, pandaran, draenei, forsaken, worgan, gnome, lightforged draenei, void elf, dark iron dwarf, mechagnome, mag’har, zandalari, vulpera, dwarf
Paladin: dwarf, blood elf, human
Mage: human, forsaken, orc, (pandaran)
Druid: night elf, tauren, kul tiran
Death Knight: night elf, orc
Rogue: gnome, nightborn elf, troll
Priest: draenei, tauren
Warlock: worgan, goblin
Warrior: gnome, troll
Monk: pandaran, highmountain tauren, dwarf
Shaman: pandaran, goblin
Demon hunter: night elf, blood elf
Evoker: dracthyr
(I’ve reached a threshold of splitting my time more and more thinly that I don’t react to the announcement of new classes and races with quite as much excitement any more)
(yes, they all have max fishing)
Amazing with max fishing. You have patients.
One of each class except dk which i have 2 and evoker which i have none
I actually don’t know. I tend to lose count when I get this far into an expansion. Sometimes I log onto one of my servers and find a 70 I have no memory of leveling.
I have maybe like 5 or 6 70s and another 10 60s but they are all for mount farms, and i need like 2 more mounts, then after than they just gonna sit there for ever lol
15, duplicate warrior and monk because I wanted a different name/race and didn’t wanna pay.
Then there’s Dralynaras, Lvl 69 Evoker that’s very very close, but I’m waiting until 10.2.5 do go live to finish levelling him so that the Soar ability becomes an actual flight ability like it should have been in the first place.
EDIT: Decided to add some AI generated pics of my characters just for fun
56 and i would have more if 60 was not the limit, i want our numbers doubled adding 10 was not enough for a altoholic like me
I have three level 70 hunters. 2 Vulperas and one night elf. I might level up another toon or 2.
just 3. even though i have many alts only 3 max level. this guy human holy priest, a tauren enhancement shaman named Knell and a boosted with war within blood dk lightforged draenei girl named Telma. I don’t know why I boosted her but whatever just wanted to use it to get the 20 reputation bonus on my other characters.
The rocket mount from the Love is in the Air event. One of the lowest drop rates in the game
That is really nice artwork! Amazing pictures
15 at the moment, will decide if i wanna do more here in the near future but currently working on chars that i’ma leave at 20 for inactive sub purposes.
8, 5 on alliance and 3 on horde.
DK, Warrior, Paladin. DH, Druid on alliance
Hunter, Warlock, and Rogue on the horde
At the moment, 8 or 9 total. 2 of which are Alliance characters.
I have 12 but mainly play around 3-4 its hard for me to focus on a main.
I have none at 70. I do have a couple of characters at level 60. I have been working on my alts.
2 Priests
2 Paladins
2 Druids
2 Shaman
2 Evokers
2 Monks
2 Demon Hunters
2 Hunters
2 Warriors
2 Mages
2 Rogues
I’ve not been a big fan of Warlocks and Death Knights in Dragonflight, clearly.
not if you have an existing toon with the same name. it doesn’t allow you to revive it at all in that case. already put in a ticket to ask as well they said no i either got to delete my current toon with that name or buy a name change. i even opted to buy a name change for the reviving toon but they said no i have to literally name change my current toon with the same name then revive the old one. it’s ridiculous imo.