How many level 70's do you have?


Haha it’s (one of) my Mages(s), and I don’t do anything higher than LFR normally, nor M+ so when I play I have lots of time on my hands to piddle around doing random stuff.

But overall I just enjoy leveling.

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I currently have 6.

I consider my Warrior my main, tho I hardly ever play him (or, obviously, post as him).

3 druids
3 warriors
2 hunters
2 paladins
1 of each of the rest

The extraneous druids are for farming. One is the one I play on, the other are for wrecking old dungeons for mats and tmog

The extra hunter is one I used my boost on for extra cobra scale skinning

The extra warriors and extra paladin were created for grinding out Tusks of Mannoroth once the skip was implemented.

Most outside of “the core” collect dust now.

I have
Hunter (main)
Demon Hunter

I pretty much only play the Hunter and the shaman at this point due to time

34 level 70s, both factions

Roster below (this Warrior is my main)

8 Warriors
5 Hunters
4 Druids
3 Paladins
3 Shamans
2 Mages
2 Demon Hunters
2 Evokers
1 DK
1 Priest
1 Monk
1 Rogue
1 Warlock

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13, 2 druids and one of the rest minus evoker.

Of those, I play 3 for more than a few hours a week. The rest get played like an hour a week. Most of what my warlock does is die in the mage tower.

Pala, druid, warrior, dh, monk, dk.

pal druid dh are in the 480 gear range, rest are waiting for their turn. All played tank in m+. All healer capable classes played healer in raid

Gosh, I don’t want to be labeled as goody two shoes.

6 70s Paladin [it’s my favorite class, okay? Reminds me of Cleric]
1 70 Mage
2 70 Druids
1 70 Shaman

EDIT: I forgot I have 1 70 Warlock too.

Bao, when did you last ding. Your 60th toon? Should have a date by the last toon you leveled up.

4: My main (this toon), my druid, my paladin, and one of my warriors.

I hate this expac so 3 at 70. 9 between 61-64. At least 30 between 51-60.

Currently 33 lvl 70’s and working on the next 7 at various levels in the 60-70 bracket. Then it’s the rest of my 10-12 toons (maybe new ones soon) in the 50-60 bracket i’m also working on and will focus soon.

1, this paladin. My main since TBC

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Hmm, I have no idea what the last one to level was.
I’ll check through 'em to see if I can find the newest level date. I’d wager that it’s at least 4 - 6+ months aago.

*So I looked through the 20 on Garona (as it’s highly unlikely Icecrown/Malygos would’ve been after) and the latest to hit 70 I see was on 7/10/23.
Oh and apparently I still have 5 level 60 boosts available, lol. Never used one before.

I have 4 but another 3 are high 60s I just haven’t felt the urge to play them for a while.

Best of luck, Poly. :slight_smile:

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Currently two but leveling a Destruction Warlock.

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I highly respect that Huey. Extreme discipline :slight_smile:

I’ve got 15. Leveled an Eredar Holy Pally and a Void Elf Lock to 70 recently. One of each class and then two locks and pallys.