How many level 70's do you have?

For me it’s 4. I leved void elves this time and have my main hunter, whose blond with green eyes and a green outfit and another Void hunter with orange hair who wears brown and has the quiver with the red arrow feathers. I also have a warlock with dark hair who wears a long dress.

Then I also leveled my main Blood Elf who is sleak, wears tights, carries a thin bow and looks smoke’n hot.

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I dunno like 10? I just randomly level em up and move on.

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28 in total across both factions


I think I’m at 9?

I have one of each class except monk, warrior, death knight, and evoker at 70.

Warrior is mind-numbingly boring, don’t like frost or unholy, evoker is boring, and monk I haven’t been able to get into.

Still hammering them out, but it’s taking a while since I get bored mid-dungeon.

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I have every class at 70 with some duplicates.

  • Two paladins (human and lightforged draenei)
  • One mage (void elf)
  • One warrior (dwarf)
  • Two hunters (Kul Tiran and dwarf)
  • One druid (night elf)
  • One evoker (dracthyr, of course)
  • One priest (night elf)
  • One rogue (gnome)
  • One monk (night elf)
  • One demon hunter (night elf)
  • Two warlocks (gnome and draenei)
  • One shaman (draenei)
  • One death knight (human)

I also have another priest (human) and warlock (void elf) above level 60.

Edit: Yesterday, my void elf warlock hit 70. That makes it 17 level 70s.

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  1. 8 Horde 1 Alliance.

1 Vulpera Marksmanship Hunter

2 Dracthyr Devastation Evokers (1 Horde 1 Alliance)

1 Vulpera Destruction Warlock

1 Vulpera Discipline Priest

1 Vulpera Enhancement Shaman

1 Blood Elf Vengeance Demon Hunter (used to be havoc, but i don’t like Momentum)

1 Vulpera Assassination Rogue

1 Forsaken Blood Death Knight

anyone else noticing a theme with the races? lol. didn’t realize I had so many until I listed them out.

Leveling a Tauren Retribution Paladin (59), and been meaning to make a new Blood DK. thinking maybe a troll. I also need to level more of my alliance toons, because I have a 60 Survival Hunter, Shadow Priest, and Destruction Warlock over there.

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Currently have 4.

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I have an elemental shaman and hunter.

Might do more now that I’m retired. Lock will be next

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Pally, hunter, warrior, priest, druid, shaman, dh, evoker. I generally try to max out one of each class every expansion and get some perspective kinda.

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Awesome, Gratz

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Let’s see. Warlock, Warrior, Druid, DK, Evoker. I think that’s it.

Hunter, Druid, Mage, those are all 60+

And a 71 DK in Wrath.

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Demon Hunter

Only one I’m missing is Death Knight and I have multiples for a couple. 14 at the moment.

Just did the time walking dungeon fun and got another priest to 70.

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Boa, you have 60 at 70

and also " 31485 Achievements " 1000 plus mounts 700 plus pets ? Last time I looked there were not 36 hours in a day. Who is your “Main” with all the Achievements ?

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2 just recently.

I had just 1 for a long time before that.


Troll hunter
Orc Hunter
Orc Warrior
Human Warrior
Worgen Warrior
Troll Mage
Night Elf Warrior
Night Elf Druid
Dwarf Shaman

So nine.

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I think I’m up to 15 or 16 just got my Alliance Warrior to 70 now I just need to get some PvP gear on him.

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Human Rogue 482
Dwarf Hunter 471
Dwarf Lock 462
Tauren Warrior 459
Human Mage 447
Human Priest 431

Still have a Druid at 68 and a few toons at 60 like shaman DH evoker and paladin

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Got three. Warlock, monk and warrior. Lvling a hunter and pally but idk if they will hit 70 or stop at 60.

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(1) BDK
(2) MM Hunters
(1) Lock (lot’sa pets)
(1) Ret Pally

I have a few mind-60’s but do not have time or the urge to play them

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