Only 6 this time around.
Death Knights - Tauren, HMT, Orc
Paladins - Tauren x2 (one is a future HMT), Belf, Zandalari, Dwarf, DID, Draenei, LFD, Human
Warrior - Tauren, HMT, Mag’har, Dwarf
Hunter - Tauren, HMT, Troll, Orc, Mag’har, Goblin, Vulpera, Panda x2 (Horde and Alliance), Nightborne, Forsaken, Dwarf, Nelf, Gnome, Velf, Human
Shaman - Tauren, HMT
Evoker x2 (Horde and Alliance)
Mage - Tauren, HMT, Mechagnome
Priest - Tauren, HMT
Warlock - Tauren, HMT, Nightborne
Rogue - Tauren, HMT
Monk - Tauren, HMT
Druid - Tauren, HMT, Kul Tiran, Worgen
DH - Belf
Edit: I don’t like odd numbers so I just undeleted a Velf Hunter. New count is 54.
2 warriors and every class excluding rogue and shaman.
Let’s see,
2 evokers
2 monks
2 mages
2 priests
2 hunters
2 demon hunters
1 warlock (with this toon about to make it 2)
1 paladin
1 shaman
1 druid
1 rogue
1 warrior
1 death knight
So 19 it seems. Most of them are not upkept.
Only two, but I’ve been suffering a bit of burnout from SL/BFA. A hunter who was leveled shortly after DF launch and this druid who I switched to guardian for maximum non-stop ultra-violence while leveling though DF zones last week. Next will be a pally I switched to prot for the same reason as the druid.
Then I’ve got a couple of 50s to 60s I should work on.
Edit: Huh forums haven’t updated my druid’s level for some reason.
3, hunter druid rogue
have a couple over 60
currently leveling a priest
I thought the revived character would be given a free but forced name change when you login with it.
1.) Lucifer - Priest
2.) Noralock - Hunter
3.) Longears - Rogue
4.) Dynasty - Monk
5.) Bookworm - Mage
6.) Sargeras - Warlock
Everyone else is level 60, waiting for NPC dungeons.
I’ve been definitely slacking, I have 10 level 60’s that need to become 70’s and the rest are at 10 and up.
Too many lol. Timewalking made it easy easy to level toons to 70, at which point most of them go back to their garrisons to garden, take naps and drink at the inn.
20 atm
Been trying out new realms, one of them I finally used my level 60 boost from Shadowlands.
Last I counted I think I was at about 27 or 28. I’ll get another 10-15 the next time we have a turbulent timeways event.
Zero at the moment. Have a few at 65, one at 63, two at 62 and several at 60.
Haven’t really felt compelled to do any of the dragons-lands content yet.
I have 7, only one really played though. The other ones I do a keystone here and there, or week event like mythic and timewalking.
Earlier today I decided to use that 70 boost they gave me with my TWW preorder. So now we have Professor Horse, kul tiran warrior.
0-- Don’t have DF.
Got 60 of 'em.
3-Paladin, warrior and a priest.
Currently working on my warlock.