How many IE have you done?

Well I have only done 1 once while leveling and we lost

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Too many.  

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Enough to get the 1,000,000 Azerite collected achievement

Seven million seven hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and seventy seven

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One. Boring as hell and I didn’t see any reason to do four more just to unlock the perks…I completely forgot about the whole guildhall’ish perk system until now.

Edit: Correction, two. I was drunk once.


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is there a way to bring up how many you’ve done?

i have to be at least 200+ i got the 1 million azerite 10/02

  1. 10chars

5 for the ship upgrades, that was enough excitement for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Internet explorers? XD

Couple hundred. Now I only do them for the weekly because unless they add a vendor I know I’m never actually going to get any of the mounts. :roll_eyes:

I did about 5-6 but didn’t see any reason to continue.
1.Combat is not very engaging.
2.Blizzard touts fancy item drops but it was NEVER that clear how to target/obtain them, constantly changing.
3.People kick healers.
4.If I want to play against AI, I’ll just do Emissary quests.

I strictly do the 2500 Azerite reward amount per week and that’s it.

Since they got buffed with 8.1 only a few, usually normal with alts.

Bliz making them a pure rng fest to get items was a lame move.

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12 per week because I have 3 characters I play regularly. I always get the weekly done on them.

I did four or five. Got more or less nothing. Doubloons dont drop with any kind of predictability, the rewards are all RNG, the vendor is a joke since you can run them back to back and get no doubloons, theres no use in running normal since you get close to zero , doing the higher difficulties means a repair bill, azerite and nothing else.

RNG means you can run these on heroic or higher forever, then NEVER see one of the mounts.

Doubloons arent a gauranteed drop = no thanks.

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Enough to get exalted with 7th legion on my priest and honorbound on my main.

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Enough to know I don’t like them and I won’t be doing them in the future.

One. They’re terrible and outside of unlocking the perks ( which I won’t end up doing ) they’re not worth it =/