How many IE have you done?

Same lol…

I used to use expeditions as a method of leveling to 120 (and even after that, spammed them for the Azerite weekly every week). However, my IE buddies stopped playing as often. :frowning: So I don’t do them nearly as much anymore.

Still a nice way to level and get a significant amount of azerite for your necklace before level cap.

Well after the drop rates were buff but before they were nerfed I earned that achievement two and a half times over. Once on a 110 from normal, once on a 120 from normal and heroic, and am half way there on another toon.

I stopped running them when I got fed up with them. Maybe I’ll run them again at the end bfa or after bfa.

Edit: Found my log of IEs, I ran more than 1,500 on that 110 and 250+ on the 120.

I’ve only done 4. I couldn’t stand how boring it was.

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woo, thought you meant internet explorer and was about to ask what in blazes you meant by that

guess that shows how many i’ve done. (tbh, i think i’ve done like three total)

At the beginning I did…2 or 3? Stopped because the payoff for the effort wasn’t exactly worth it. At least that’s the impression I still have, don’t really remember now.

Might be different now though. Keep meaning to get back to doing them but I haven’t gotten around to it yet.

I did them for the weekly for about 6 weeks on 2 characters, then lost interest around the time that the dabloon vendor was added and only did 4 or 5 more before stopping out of disinterest. I never did more than heroic on them.

My thoughts; azerite grind isn’t a good motivator and there’s too much other daily grinding stuff already. I miss actually wanting to do content rather than doing it just to eek out a couple of ilvls. Islands literally don’t bring more fun and even less targettable goals.

My suggestions:
1: let players queue for specific islands
2: Display a list of randomly obtainable rewards and their chance of being on the island that the player selects.
3: grant dabloons based on the completion time of the island by the group
4: remove the 2500 azerite reward and just have each island completed offer 700 more azerite as part of the base reward. You can’t force people into things they don’t want forever.

2, which is 2 too many.