How many hunters in your BG Blitz matches?

5…6? How many do you usually see?

“PVP isn’t a meme”

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Good ones? About 2 an hour…

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I was in an Ashran the enemy team literally had like 30 hunters lol. They need a nerf

Usually no more than two at a time, just like other classes.

On the same team? Sometimes 3 MMs and a BM or 2 MM 2 BM, sometimes 0 on either team.

i had a blitz with 6 hunters total i had anuther wit 3 rets on 1 team and anuther wit 3 rogues on 1 team

It’s just blatantly obvious that even though a lot of people PVP, they don’t put nearly as much love into it as PVE. If they paid attention in the slightest then things like sniper shot would have more QA testing.

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You are a warlock lol, classes that needs nerf are Balance Druids and Devastation Evoker every other class is more or less balanced. Also Marksman Hunter has a small window to do all his damage which is with Trueshot after that it falls off and while he has Trueshot you can line of sight everything.

Um, no. MM does not need Trueshot at all to kill people and LOS doesn’t exist in most places in the BG and even when it does you can often times just shoot through the terrain anyway.

MM does need Trueshot to kill, out of Trueshot mm can barely hit aim shots because they starve of focus and classes that take an insane amount of time to cast a single ability should hit hard, you have plenty of time to react to an aim shot out of trueshot, so im saying its a skill issue. Keep in mind all the extra micro cc in the game that can stop cast.

Remove stealth from hunters and at least we can see them coming so we can deal with them properly. No need for it in BGs. Or at least give it downsides. Make is so when they stealth, it uses 50% of their energy so they do less damage when coming out of stealth.

Whoever thought it was cute to give stealth to a ranged dps class that chunks off over 50% of your health before you see it needs to be removed from whatever is left of the pvp team at Blizzard

Solution 1: Make them use 50% of their energy when they stealth so they do less damage from stealth.

Solution 2: If Blizzzrd doesn’t want to deal with hunter stealth, tthey can do this. When the hunter is being attacked in melee range of 10 yardss, they do 25% less damage. This will make them more vulnerable to melee classes while still letting them pwn casters for the most part.

If you are getting hit by a lot of micro CC as a MM hunter in BGs, then you might need to work on positioning.

Sniper shot, explosive shot, chakrams, rapid fire, kill shot is enough to put people six feet under unless they respond with a defensive or get heals. Even then, they will probably end up dying.

full range should have a chance to miss getting lower to 40 yards. remove the auto shot while moving OR let casters who can use wands have the same type of auto damage while moving. im also ok with a deadzone again.

When deadzone was in the game, hunter could actually use two handed weapons to damage people near to them.

I actually enjoyed the in and out playstyle of hunter back then, it felt a lot like modern day survival hunter.

my first twink was 29 surv. i was always running out of ammo so i ended up having to melee alot. #notimerinwsg

I had a game we were 6 and we lost in Gilneas. Some Surv/BM/MM. It’s really not an ideal class to be stacked.


This is a joke, right?

Played my under-geared MM last night for fun. Absolutely destroyed everyone in multiple BGBs just by pressing 2-3 buttons.

I don’t run Trueshot btw.

Remove sniper shot and give us better defensives and you will se less hunters in blitz/bgs and more in arenas

If you think MM Hunter is anywhere near balanced you’re on some serious drugs.

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