I think I’ve flagged about 20 posts ever total, so I think it would be like .1% per day or less.
I pretty much hit my max flags nearly every other day or so. There are just so many posts that violate the coc. Mostly in the pvp forums where people are more likely to act up.
No. I think Ralph was a dwarf. This was someone else.
Maybe once a week?
Most the time the ones I’d flag are already flagged when i get to them anyways.
Zero cuz i’m an adult n not petty.
Not surprising in the least bit.
Some people use the forums as a power trip and it is bad. I would never do this, because I know how impactful my arguments can be at times and how much it affects other people. Everyone should have the right for free speech and not live in oppression.
The reporting-abuse is the single most biggest issue on the wow forums, followed by alt-jumping/alt-hopping.
also one hundred times a minute.
I don’t flag anyone.
Unlike you I believe in the constitution of the United States of America, and I’m a grown man.
I believe anything people posts on here is their opinion and their right to have said opinion. Even if someone is trolling, that is their right.
I understand some people are weaker. I understand that when you read something you don’t like you flag it because you are fragile. It’s okay, you keep flagging and hopefully one day no one will post anything your tender little heart finds offensive.
I rarely do. I tend to just assume everyone on the internet is full of crap and go from there.
There’s nothing about this place I find terribly threatening or scary. Nerds aren’t scary.
Stop doing it. Let people talk
zero unless people is just asking for it by being complete unhinged and obvious.
I never report or flag anybody. I know if it’s an outrageous post… someone else will do it for me.
I come here for friendly discussion. Not forum PVP. I do my PVP on the battleground
Each Posting account (character-server) only gets 5 flags a day, so you can’t flag more than that without hopping alts.
For the rest of the Blizzard forums, the forum accounts are at the Battlenet level so each Battlenet account gets 5 flags a day.
Use your flags wisely.
I assume you are trolling with this comment. You know the Constitution limits what the US Government can do right? Not what happens on private property where you agree to the rules. Nobody will put you in jail for what you say on a WoW forum, but the forum owner does not not have to let you on their property. You break the rules and they can show you the door.
The Constitution allows you to speak up against your Govt and leaders without fear of being persecuted or jailed by the Govt. For now, we have that right and you can exercise that on any public governmental/community property within the laws of that community.
Google “XKCD free speech” I can’t link it because it contains mild profanity.
It has nothing to do with people being “weak” or offended and everything to do with people realizing something is just not appropriate for this platform. The ones I see “screaming” are the people who get mad they can’t run their mouth in ways that treat others poorly.
2 times ever. Like you know the people who run outta flags everyday. You see the same names arguing and baiting in dozens of threads. They probably intentionally look for titles that upset them just to flag instead of just not clicking those threads like I do.
Pretty much agree with this.
You do realize that saying hateful stuff / slurs / violent things isn’t free speech correct?
That’s what I flag and there was a lot of it last night in a thread. Im out of flags for now.
Oh and regarding some “open free speech” platforms, it’s ok until lgbtq+ are brought up… then it’s removed. Glares at twitter
When I see people who are being trolls and violating the forums rules I’ll flag it.
I require more flags.
Well said,
I’m going to reuse this. Hope that’s ok.