There’s will most likely be close to 50+ realms if I had to take a guess.
Get out. Now.
Perhaps people who played back in Vanilla can confirm how it was then. Without connected realms, you cant communicate with the opposite faction to tell them that - for example - a group is forming to attack Crossroads. If there was this Oceanic PvP server called, say, Wrathion and I was playing Alliance, I couldn’t pop over to the Horde and warn them about it, because my Horde character would be on the other Oceanic PvP server (hopefully there will be at least 2…). So was that how it was early on, no direct way of communicating such intentions and warnings?
The fact that the total character numbers are different to live makes me wonder if the servers will indeed be available in live or whether there will be a separate log on icon on the Launcher for Classic.
Well thank you Kaivax I did not expect a blue response to my thread. I am sure I could never make 50 classic chars, but lovely to know I can at least play all classes if I am so inclined. Once again a big thank you!
Wait, so… There are gonna be more than two or three servers?
Yeah. On a PVP realm you can’t make characters on the opposite faction. You can on PVE realms.
Exception: Multiple accounts always works.
I would damned well hope so. If the only Classic servers available were set on continental US server locations then I, for one, would not be playing Classic. I put up with high world ms for years prior to the Oceanic server being provided, I won’t go through that again, especially in a Classic gaming environment.
plz bloo poster overlords, we need more news…anything…beta would be nice but i wont get hopes up for that loleven if the update is “We have officially drained thousand needles” <3 please ANYTHING -dies from the salt of retail-
A second account might be a good place for my money normally spent on HBO Now to go. No GoT, no need for HBO, redirect subscription money to a WoW account. Need to spy on the Alliance.
Soo if I got beta, I’d sub my 2nd account already. Sigh, I guess I can wait until August.
I was only able to create 3 characters in classic, so it’s definitely not 50 per.
I was only able to create 3 characters on classic, so this post is incorrect.
This is true. It’s 50 total, 10 per server. On a pvp server all your toons have to be the same faction within that server. (It’ll actually block you if you make an orc then go try to make a human on the same pvp server.)
Between now and launch day, you’re only allowed to make 3 toons for the sake of reserving names. On launch day you can make 47 more if you want. (Asmongold already has a bunch of people holding his names planning to delete and let him take them after launch. Probably other streamers organized similar things.) I haven’t cared to test what happens if you create more than 3 toons right now. I imagine at the least, someone randomly deletes excess toons each day. Or maybe you just get a message blocking you when you try to create a 4th toon right now, like how you get a message blocking you if you try to make a human on a pvp server where you already have an orc.
You’re only allowed to create 3 before launch day, for the sake of reserving names you want. Launch day you can create the rest. You could have friends use some of their allotment to get your name on more servers though. And after launch, you all could coordinate to have them delete and you create toons with that name during some offpeak hours.
So increase 50 character limit in realm is fine, make classic wow and leave bfa sluggish is fine, but increase 50 in account in retail, even it is up to 60 characters, it is still to much and minority? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKK!
Kaivax please increase to 11 or 12 for TBC!! Account is maxed already with 60s I don’t want to delete.
Normally I hate necros, but this raises an interesting question.
Do Vanilla Classic characters (period servers) and TBC Classic characters (classic servers) both count towards the same total? Or will each expansion be treated separately?
I’m guessing they’ll be treated separately, but it might be nice to get clarification on this.