How many alts do you have?

Alright altoholics, let’s here it.

How many alts do you have? Looking at my forum character selection list, 67 currently.

I don’t know where I went wrong :rofl:


Bout 20. If I un-deleted everything, probably like 35? But the things I deleted are deleted for a reason. And I generally just don’t do duplicate classes.

The only reason I have 20ish right now is because I got into Twinking, so I have some duplicates for that (ie: I have a level 10 Twink, 20 Twink, and 70 Endgame Mage).

If you mean level cap only, like 5 lmao. Bunch of 60s. Don’t really have a desire to re-do the same gear grind at 70 multiple times and I don’t see a point in leveling if I’m not actually going to play the character once I cap.

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I have 3 characters at 70, only one of whom (hi) is geared beyond blues from Normal dungeons.

I also have 30 or so sub-50s from over the years who I haven’t touched since I created them, but also don’t delete because they might have some pennies or a cute name I can cannibalize at some point.

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Like 18, but some of them haven’t been touched since Legion, a couple I tried when i came back but can’t get into again

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I do. You need to make more toons.

Last year I did a count. I’m at 100+ now. idk what it actually currently is, because I have made more toons since then.


Eight level 70s but that’s because it was so easy to level from 60 to 70. When DF released I would do gathering professions and queue for BGs and made like 2 million gold. I would gather once I stopped gaining XP and it was fun to cruise on the dragons.

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about 13-15 ish

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I am always in a state of account capped :grimacing:

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A bunch of 20 nothings and 1 level 70

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Currently I have 55. I’ve been slowly leveling them to 70 and decently gearing them with the Dreamsurges, etc. I think I’m somewhere around 18 at level 70.

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Holy moly! I only had my one ret pally since TBC lol

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Lets see here:


I have alot of alts. But ones I really play I’d say about 8. In terms of how many max level toons 26 currently.


24, with a million more well on the way.

I have 24 alts. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

This account is maxed out at 60 toons, 51 of which are lvl 60+, a second starter account with 2 or 3 toons that exist solely for access to level sync when I don’t feel like grouping with other people, and an EU starter account with 1 toon just so I can interact with friends there :slight_smile:

11, too many if you ask me.

how do you have 67 when mine tells me 60 is max ? i need more too, right now i have 56 retail all over level 60, 30 of them are 70, and i also have one horde and one ali on hardcore classic, i have had gms tell me since vanilla to concentrate on just one or two but i cant :stuck_out_tongue: all my bank alts end up levelled also

Main and just 1 other alt at max level and I already threw in the towel.

how are you getting so many i am jealous my game tells me 60 is my max i think i being ripped off after reading all these