How many alts do you have?

The limit is per account, so multiple accounts :slight_smile:

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I have six accounts under one bnet.

Every class plus an extra warrior, hunter and mage. So that is 16 I think. I have 6 at level 70.

Many and I love them all!


13 of the 94 characters I’ve got in my guild are level 70. I’ll prob finish up leveling my void elf hunter that’s 66 to 70 then shift from leveling characters to focusing on my this human hunter. Gotta get those reps up so I can get old flying plus I still need get shadowlands flying unlocked. Also I’d get this character better geared.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:
One of the cool things I’ve found this expansion is there is always something for me to do and I’m loving it.

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Maybe around mid to high 40s that I actually care about. A handful that are on here for my daughter to goof off with, and a few name saves for possible future characters…especially if they ever make playable Saberon.

One of every class at 70, ive started rolling second versions of classes.

2 x 70 warrs - main raiding toon all 3 specs, second warr is only prot
2 x 70 pallies - 1 ret/prot, 1 prot only
2 x 70 monks (working on a 3rd - learning brew from the ground up)
2 x 70 priests - holy/shadow, second was to learn disc from ground up
1 x 70 druid, 1 x 58 druid (will be leveled in tw in 2 weeks - both guardian, might mess about with resto at some stage)
1 x rogue (leveled to meme outlaw and complete daggers quests)
1 x dk - really enjoying bdk atm, this might see alot more play next tier
1 x lock = i finished leveling a lock finally
1 x mage = fire mage to meme in tw only
1 x augvoker - main alt, potential main next tier depending on warr tuning
1 x hunter - was main raid toon end of legion / start of slands - sitting there doing nothing but might see some play as bm next tier
1 x dh = most boring tank ive ever played
1 x resto shammy - i really want to mess about with enhance but im too busy on other toons!

And then about 40 alts ranging from 1-60, these toons might see some action towards the end of the xpac or be deleted to complete my current goal of 1 max level toon of each class on each faction.

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I have two.

98… T_T…

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And you play them all? The cap is 50.

The cap is 6 sets of 60 actually.

You can play up to 60 toons per account attached to your bnet and then attach up to 6 (I think it was) accounts to that Bnet.

So you could have up to 360 toons.

As for playing them all, I bounce around a lot. I do have some particular mains and alts that are played a lot more than most of them but I play what I play when I want to. lol

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I have 4 alts… my Orc Death Knight, Zandalari Paladin, Nightborne Priest, and Man’ari Paladin. The Horde characters are my main alts. The Man’ari paladin is honestly just for the novelty and humor of having a demon paladin. After reaching 70 and doing the Man’ari quest chain on him, he might just see there…

Who keeps count?

:milky_way: :coffee: :coffee: :milky_way:

I have a spreadsheet :slight_smile:

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was totally inable to progress in 10.1 due to constant rerolling every 3 days, but now its good, i know more about each classes, i know wich one i want to play in 10.2