I used to be an alt addict. I had every class end level in MoP. Those days are long gone. With things like artifacts and the rng, having a legion of alts just doesn’t seem worthwhile anymore and very time consuming and un fun.
So now in BFA, I have a total of 4 120s. My bm hunter, resto shaman, destro warlock, and mage. I do things first on my “main” but I can manage having them all around the same ilvl as a casual. That’s enough for me. I’m 30 now too so I don’t know if that factors anything in.
How about you… how many alts do you have? And is anyone else no longer an alt addict?
I have 3 120s, but only really play two of them. Ironically, the two I play are both Alliance, and the one I’m not playing is Horde. I find I just don’t have the time for more than the two.
This guy is at 396, my warrior is at 383, and my rogue and DH are like 375. So I can keep 4 alts decently geared. My monk still has garbage gear, and I haven’t finished leveling my priest and druid.
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10 toons at 120 for me. That’s likely the max I can handle for BfA. I plan to do two more in the next expansion and that’ll probably be it. I leveled most of my alts through incursions but I blasted my Zandalari through questing in 18 hours /played, without any xp buffs at all and only one incursion.
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I have 12 at 120. Highest is ilvl 398 (Chimalli), 3 others in the 390s, 6 in the 380s, 2 in th 370s.
I also have one leveling, currently at 114.
And 7 others at various lower levels.
The end goal is 1 per spec…
Forgot about my alliance 120 just for the story and achieves 
I have 6 at 120, another 6 at 110+ and another 6 allieds at 20+, I will eventually level them all. I won’t be putting too much into it unless the character grabs me, but as you progress through the xpac leveling becomes easier and easier as catch up mechanics come into play.
This is my main and I spend 80% of my game time on her.
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none in reality because acc wide rep isn’t a thing.
but i have like 35.
4 at level cap. I’m not sure how many I can handle logging into every day for Emissaries, but no more than 6 probably.
I currently have 20 dedicated racial characters and am in the process of making a dedicated character for each class. I want to experience every class and race in the game. Yeah. i could just do this with the 20 dedicated racial characters but I feel its better this way. I’m literally insane.
The 20 dedicated racial characters are exactly as it sounds. A single character dedicated to one race. Regardless of class.
The dedicated class characters are pretty much the same thing but regardless of race.
I’ve bounced around my “main” in BfA. I have several characters at 120 because of that. Druid, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Priest, and Demon Hunter.
My “main” is my mage after trying all of the above classes in Uldir/BoD. It was my main in Legion, and I tend to stick to spellcasters in RPGs that I play. While they’re by no means stellar in BoD I find that I enjoy all 3 specs, which is nice because I have Azerite gear for all 3 and can change easily.
I was keeping up gearing up my alts until they hit 380 ish. I kinda lost steam after that. I’m 28, work full time, commute two hours a day, work out 6 days a week, and have a social life. Makes it difficult even keeping up on my main, who is still only 3 bosses into heroic BoD.
That said, with the release of Zandalari I have a new time sink. I want that heritage armor. Also, I played Paladin a lot towards the end of Legion (I had to get the mage tower skins for the specs!) so I’m excited to get her up to 120. I enjoy healing in raids, and holy Paladin is one of my favorite healer specs in the game. Once she’s 120 she’ll become my “main alt”. I think Paladin is a good class to complement my main. I get 3 ranged flavors with my mage but Paladin lets me explore melee, tanking and healing if I feel the urge.
in mists i got to 16 level 90s, five of them were able to grind out the legendary cloak, and all of them got at least one Garrosh kill in LFR
warlords was meh to me so i only had two of my level 90s get to 100
for legion i got all but one of those former level 90s to 110 and a demon hunter to again have 16 at level cap. i did manage to earn all class hall mounts.
as of right now i have six level 120s and this character is actually at level 118 but the forum lists her at only being level 113. i don’t do much beyond world quests and working to unlock allied races and pathfinder with my current 120s
I have, at current, 23 alts @ various levels. Right now, I’m sort of holding off making more alts until I get these through Loremaster and complete other activities in the game.
I’ve about 10 120s. I’m burned out at the moment, or would have more.
I have two Horde 120’s and one Alliance 120. And that feels like enough.
Last expansion, and the ones that preceded it, I had many more.
3, often not even that; Well, 3 characters total.
I have this, my 117 hunter and my 110 priest. Then I made some allied race characters, but never play them. A 101 demon Hunter only exists to open our lockboxes (which you don’t even get in BFA anyway, but we did/do in Legion or earlier content.)
I’ve not even really bothered to level the hunter or priest, lately.
I have 16 at 120 and have another 12 sitting between 111-117. Burned out with the actual BFA levelling. Have another 7 between 20 and 80.
People play alts seriously? Alts are for mount farming 
I have five? 120s right now, but have tunnel-visioned this toon in particular and kind of left the others in the dust in terms of gearing up and progression. Which sucks, considering I need to do the war campaign on both sides to unlock both new ARs. I just got my Kul Tirans today, I am 100% dreading the Zanda grind.
I have near account cap of characters (47); a small handful (17) are still in the 20-80ish level range, but everyone else is at least 100+
Currently working on my 28th