How many alts are you gonna make?

I already got a bunch of alts sitting around and not doing much. I’ll make one of each side to do the Exile’s Reach zone once pre-patch hits live. Losing most of the level reqs off transmog items is going to be great for my alts.

I’ll just stick to my boi here.

A few disposable ones to get the transmogs from the exile’s reach.

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None. I don’t really play this game enough to have alts. I’m lucky I love tf out of rogues. Even if they are pretty boring and butchered nowa days.

So official alts I’ll work on? 2.

Side alts? all the other classes should be max level before the 9.1 patch.

Same. I just had to delete an alt to create a new one.

Luckily I didn’t play it much.

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I have 6 120s, I think I am good. Hopefully.

I’ll probably be maining a Human Warlock in Shadowlands. Since I can finally make a character that appeals to me more.

Oh I have a ton!

Mostly remakes as I’m nearly full up on both accounts.

I have enough pre 60 right now that I’m comfortable starting over with new looks and the new system.

Got multiple forsaken, night elves, orcs, couple trolls, an elf here and there.

Bunch of others are getting redesigns too!

I want my BOOTS dang it!!!

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I’m rerolling almost ever single class ice leveled. I deleted like 19-20 120s already and will spend pre patch and the first few months doing nothing but leveling 83737377385 alts

I am going to probably have around 4 characters mythic raid level geared, just like now.

So…I multi box 2 accounts

1st Round Venthyr Warlock and DH
2nd Round Night Fae DK and Druid
3rd Round Maldraxxis Rogue and Monk
4th around Kyrian Priest and and TBD

I will see you there! I already have tons of alts and will be making more!

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Think I’m sticking with my current roster. Even leveling fast just isn’t my cup of tea. Bummer though, I need a herb/alch for my hordies

I am planning one of each spec, with as many race combos as i can realistically do lore-wise.

All my characters are utility characters. When a dedicated team finishes up a project, they might not get used again until an appropriate project comes up again.

You might not consider that “playing”. I do.

Your guild name should be Project Manager

Probably just a Dorf pally and a human Death Knight just to give two-handed frost a crack. Other than that, I do not plan on making any other alts and I will be heavily sticking to my arms warrior main.

at least 1 of each allied race I’ll have (then) unlocked,
a few more Vulpera - i’ll be up to about 30 toons total.
And yes, I will play them all