Hello everybody,
So I’ve managed to finally save enough to buy a worthwhile gaming computer. I played classic but not TBC as I had wished I could have a year back. I bought a dark portal pass to play as a Belf paladin as that’s the class my group of friends needs the most, plus I like being a paladin. To my surprise, you can’t boost a belf, which was a major disappointment. I hate leveling belfs, as I have leveled them so many times in the past. Anyways, how long would it take to reach level 60 from level 1 considering the 50% exp boost currently in place? I need to know if its even worth it at this point with WoTLK coming out soon, and a boost for belfs being available by then. Also does anybody have any recommendations to level even faster? Thank you.
Don’t level a blood elf. Have some respect for yourself and just don’t.
It depends on your class more than anything else as some level way faster, but you could easily do 1-60 in a week or two.
I agree with week or two. Depending on your time. I just see people usually spam running dungeons. Every EXP source is boosted so it shouldn’t take long at all.
All depends on the server, a BElf on Bene? Ouch.
I started a human mage lvl 12 and just finished elwynn forest. A BE ull be 22 or 23 coming out of ghostlands with the quests there. So yeah a week or two is accurate depending on class and amount of time played.
Unfortunately I might have too for my group lol ;/ I think they’re alright though. I’d be a paladin which is a bit slower than many classes. Thx for the response!.
Depends if youre a casual hardcore player or a hardcore casual player.
there are so many of you leveling right now really. Every time i do dungeon - there’s atleast two. With my totally original belf mage
Well you are already okay with buying a boost. WotLK launch is expected to come with a purchasable 70 boost which should work on Belfs/Draenai. So you can wait.
I got my Draenai to level 70 in the two week prepatch before TBC, so if you play long enough, 2 weeks is doable. Once prepatch launches, the 60-70 exp gets nerfed by another 30%.
In one very long day, I got from 44 to 51 on a warlock I was leveling.
Alot of factors come down to how you play, and if you are efficient or not. We can’t really estimate how long it will take YOU to level, we don’t know anything about you.
I’d say about 100 hours. If you can do it in group it would be faster, paladins are always oom and it takes forever.
But I’d stop at level 60 and wait for the prepatch to level from 60 to 70 and this cuts XP by even more.
I dunno, he wants to play a tank, and if he waits until prepatch, he’s going to be competing with all the DKs for the dungeon runs leveling up. If he was leveling Holy, that would probably work in his favor though.
I got my BE paladin from 30-51 in about 25 in game hours over the coarse of a week. If that helps scale it. (During event obviously)
That’s the beauty of it. DKs will be level 52 and you can stay ahead of the herd if you plan ahead.
I made that mistake in the original wotlk, was leveling a hunter on a pvp server and ended up in Hellfire Peninsula when WOTLK launched. I kept being death gripped all over the place and gave up to go do a DK lol.

That’s the beauty of it. DKs will be level 52 and you can stay ahead of the herd if you plan ahead.
They’re at 58 in very strong gear when they leave. With the 50% buff they may be closer to 60.

Don’t level a blood elf. Have some respect for yourself and just don’t.
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