You completely missed part of the point, You can get BiS from Mythic+ in a day if you sweat hard enough. Or you if your like Asmongold for example who gets all the loot pooled to him because he’s nothing more than a carry.
The point is, yes we all want BiS, but when we don’t get anything, and get what would be the equivalent of 35 gold from a bonus roll. Hell, give us some Soul Ash as part of the 35 anima reward, at least then it would give MORE of a reason to do M+ more.
I think the system is working as intended and the 35 anima we get is more than generous, that goes towards building up our Covenants which is the real end game. There’s 2 years left, so keep giving me that Anima because those rewards will pay off!
I answered it with a question because I wasn’t sure if you meant that gear would have diminishing returns with increased dungeons or not.
As for the less gear thing, what I want to know is, do we need more gear? Why do we need more gear? If its a comparison to other players, we are all still getting gear at the same rate, which means that you’re still in the same relative place as you were before in comparison to other players. If its about character power, Blizzard can tune encounters around the character power. If it’s about “ooh shiny” then I guess you got me there. We certainly get less shiny things.
I only just reread your post and looked at the
Which brings me back to my question… what dictates the value of the reward? Why is that reward valuable? Does making the item drop rate lower not increase the value of the reward equal to the increase in time investment?
If thats your opinion then more power to you, everyone elses opinion is the same though. The reward for time investment is not there, like me, yeah, I’m ilvl 190 but I had to bust my a$$ just to get there. Only one piece of M+ Loot equpped.
I would rather do M0s or the raid even because its much more rewarding.
Right now because were only 3 weeks in, 35 anima doesnt really do anything, again unless your sweating it all day doing 5 to 6 runs or more then I can see it adding up, but you cant really get anywhere when everything is also time-gated. So right now the reward for investment is very low to non-existent at all.
Like take the raid for example, while yes, it was dropping 4 to 5 pieces of gear this week, I do commend Blizzard for allowing the people to keep said gear that dropped, and thats because they over tuned the raid. But I don’t agree with them taking that reward and nerfing it claiming it was a bug. Raids are the top tier, they should have the most and best rewards in my opinion. But reducing that reward down from 5 to 3 per boss, out of 25 to sometimes 30 people (Unless you run with less then its whatever) that is not gonna help anybody. They specifically fixed this issue because of the Mythic Raid next week.
The Reward for the Investment has to be there, or at least exist in the same REALM as the investment. Right now its lightyears behind.
I guess the real question I wanted to know the answer to, and you might not even know the answer yourself, is why is less gear bad? As someone who isn’t very gear driven I want to understand what it is that makes having more gear better (aside from simple damage/healing numbers, which Blizzard can tune around).
Less gear is not bad, like right now the state of the game is where Blizzard wanted it to be, where even a Blue Item can be very detrimental to your character and how it performs. Doesnt matter if it has a purple tag or orange tag, like they went back to their roots on this where Vanilla was in. You could be decked out in epic items to the teeth but have a blue trinket that will out dps a raid epic trinket. This scarcity makes it so that GEAR as a system, is relevant again. Not how big your io score is. So when you ask what makes having more gear better, I think the question should be is the gear your getting, making your character better? Thats the goal Blizzard is after, look when you hit level 60, and you went to the AH and bought all the 151 blues, and start doing heroics (If you didnt then w/e just for instance), when you started getting the 171 gear, did you start to feel your character get stronger?
The main problem my class as a HAVOC Demon Hunter is facing at the moment, is our damage. So when players see that we get a 5% buff to ALL damaging abilities (Yes that includes Chaos Strike fellow DHs) Blizzard is taking into account, gear scaling. If they give us a 5% buff, how will that affect our characters fully geared to the teeth? Like I can still top meters no problem. Even though I am a glass cannon in pvp (hopefully thats getting fixed) I could see the difference in strength that my character had going from 151 to 190 Item Level. Thats the kind of Character Progression Blizzard wanted.
just hit 187 and I’m only around to play half the month because I spend the other half at my bf’s place with no access to WoW…
Even better when I link up with my buds, we trade loot back and forth from our keys and not one of us has complained…
There really is no way around the truth, if you don’t like the current loot system you must not really like the game in general. Seriously, do you want to run out of content in 3 weeks or what? I don’t want to hear the same BS about “I PUT IN SO MUCH EFFORT AND GOT NOTHING” because I know that’s a lie.
So you’re saying that it’s the difference in character power that is the reward? And would you say that the rewarding feeling is not enhanced when it takes longer to see said increase in power?
My reference for this is Black Desert Online. Gearing up could take multiple months, and even that tiny increase in power could feel really rewarding.
Not exactly, like yes the rewarding part is feeling that difference in power your character has. Like me, I don’t care for not getting loot in a mythic+ my only concern with that is the anima reward I truly feel it should be a little more than just 35 anima or throw in some soul ash.
At the end of the day, if you ran Mythic+ all day, and didnt get a shred of gear to help improve your character, what was the time investment and did any of that anima that those dungeons gave you feel rewarding at all?
Like I said in an earlier post I only have 1 Mythic+ piece of loot equipped on me right now, its Ilvl 194 and yes it was a HUGE upgrade because for starters what I had previously was 171 and had no Versatility, I slapped it on, I’m doing 1% more in damage overall. That 1% is detrimental because it could the difference in killing a boss or timing a higher key. So for me, yes the difference in character power is whats rewarding to me. Where as before, you were handed all of these welfare epics disguised under a purple tag, did you feel powerful at all? Even with the raid items and no, I am not talking about corruption that was a stupid system and it should have be redesigned. Just getting decked out in purple gear is nice and everything, but at the end of the day, did you feel more powerful in your character?
I have never had a problem with it personally. In Legion I spammed M+ Neltharion’s Lair for nothing other than the chance at the warrior execute legendary to help me in raid. I didn’t get any reward aside from artifact power for about a month, and I was running that dungeon 10+ times a day. For me, the reward just felt even sweeter when I finally got it.
Similarly, in BDO I would enhance my gear and it’s the same story. Hundreds of hours of grinding, a few upgrade attempts that yielded nothing but a failed attempt and downgraded gear, but when the gear finally upgraded, that was the reward. If I had gotten it right away it wouldn’t have had the same feeling.
I suppose I still don’t quite understand why the decrease in gear drops from M+ is a bad thing but thank you for at least trying to help me to understand. I’ll let you get on with more important things (like spamming more M+ for a chance at some gear ).
Less gear is bad because you could easily do multiple Mythic+ keys and as much raiding as you can and literally go a week without seeing an upgrade, despite hours of effort.
The Great Vault is there but is still only 1 piece of loot per week, and with it still being random there is no guarantee that it will cover any slots that you need an upgrade for, especially as the patch goes on and some/most of your slots are already at iLvl 200 or above.
Less gear means less power progression, less reward for time played, and less reason to keep playing.
Some people might want to be done gearing their main so that they can play on alts or do other things in the game. I personally am more likely to unsub because loot rewards are so bad that even my main can’t get geared, rather than because my main got geared too quickly.
I guess I still don’t understand why you need to be done gearing. Why can’t you have multiple partially geared alts? Is gear/power progression the only reward that keeps you playing?
I guess for me gear has always been something that helps me reach a goal, rather than it being a goal itself.
Ah, they’ll be missed. Tons of kids that aren’t happy unless every slot on their characters are purple (save that one slot that’s Legendary, of course)…
That’s what Transmog is for! If you don’t like how they look, change it - do you think I like looking like a member of Davey Jones’ crew from Pirates of the Caribbean? Well, I do
best joke since 2018.
you know what everyone one have a life, you’re is not more important then anyone else, you have 2 year to play this expansion enjoy the ride.