It’s not been deleted
As is the way of Blizzard generally. Subs drop off, frantically make changes and see if it fixes it (usually it doesn’t), release a new expansion, repeat.
I do prefer the sound of that. Gear drops less and less frequently the more dungeons you do each week? That sounds like a fair alternative.
Lol your funny… So many threads on the same subject will eventually tell Blizz something. You keep fighting the good fight though.
The game will literally die now - people are gunna burn out really really quick
Are you sure you didn’t say it would die?
I think they are pushing the changes to classic too hard here for no good reason.
Some people thought that “gear is gear” it would be the same amount of gear… they said on blizzcon or after that they would nerf the amount of gear but I suspect nobody expected this kind of regress on the system.
Without any sort of TBC or WOTLK system with badges and npcs selling gear for them I don’t know if today players can stand such system.
We shall see.
Incase you guys didn’t get the news, these forums don’t represent the majority of players. Millions of players love the changes Ion and Blizzard have made, just look at the raw numbers:
The system is working as intended, I love the pacing.

That’s it boys, we reached the point where everybody wants to be fully geared within 3 weeks.
I haven’t seen a single thread where people are asking for BiS gear 3 weeks in…
I think people will feel gratified in the work it took to get their BiS gear and that it will last them a while. Thats a much better feeling than instant gratification. You will be better for it. Thank WoW for teaching you the value of hard work.

People with lives can’t I understand that the unemployed and the “professional gamers” have that type of time but regular people don’t.
I work a physically demanding job 10-12 hour shifts 5 days a week, I don’t see the issue
M+ runners will literally get their BiS quicker then they would in BFA due to how the vault works.
Yeah it’s terrible dungeon jockies can’t just cookie cutter comp AoE spam their way to better, more frequent loot drops than people doing raids, huh?

Incase you guys didn’t get the news, these forums don’t represent the majority of players. Millions of players love the changes Ion and Blizzard have made, just look at the raw numbers:
The system is working as intended, I love the pacing.
That article is worded in a specific way… People are spending more time on Azeroth than ever before blah blah blah. The game has been available for pre order forever etc etc. Yea the system is working for the investors, but we’ll see in the coming months if the players keep buying it.
The system is more fair, now. M+ still is more lucrative in the initial gearing stages though.
I don’t care I do mythic+ for fun, not as a gearing vector.
Im confused did you mean to answer that with a question? Like I mean back in BfA you could 2 or 3 M+ and get something out of it, not saying you will always get a piece of loot, thats not the point, but after a few runs, yes you would get some kind of drop, now whether or not that drop was an “ideal” drop, that what the problem was.
No, the problem now is because gear is more scarce now, which im not saying is a bad thing, that makes gear all the more important now. It does not feel rewarding doing a +10 or lower key, when you get no loot but a whopping 35 anima. Thats what the issue here is, not that people arent getting gear fast enough, but when they dont get gear, give them more then just 35 Anima. I could do a WQ and get 135 anima in 5 minutes, that feels more rewarding then doing a M+ for 30 to 40 minutes, and get 35. The reward vs time investment is not in the middle here.

potentially shorter due to the fact you’ll be able to select loot
10 Mythic+ runs for 3 choices is actually a lot of M+ for an average player (who is usually doing many other things, not just grinding M+). I mean its obviously doable each week but I suspect most people will be doing the 4+ level. So 2 choices per week isn’t the greatest and most awesome luck protection.
I have a suspicion if we come back in 10-15 weeks and statistically analyse the whole M+ community the reality of gearing speed might not be what we expect.

The reward vs time investment is not in the middle here.
Yep and this is the point so many are trying to make… The elitist try hards just think people want to take all their gear.

Yep and this is the point so many are trying to make… The elitist try hards just think people want to take all their gear.
The problem is that people want to get BiS in 3 weeks, that’s just not realistic.
Welp, you’re wrong.
Since most of the loot that ACTUALLY matters comes from the chest, I don’t think anyone will be leaving because of low drop rates in dungeions.
No, no thats not it…