How long until people burn out and quit because of M+ loot

I wish you could see my character’s gear! He looks like he was colored in by a toddler with how many colors he’s sporting!

There are already people saying they are letting their gametime run out over this exact issue. More will burn out in the future.

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I remember seeing a webtoon from around the time Lich King came out that showed a DK at level 58 with their awesome looking starter gear, and then the same DK at 63 with a hodge-podge of gear saying “I want the names of quest-writers NOW!”

Don’t they always? And don’t they always come back when new content is released? Like I said, they’ll be missed…

Everyone is leaving soon, I know cause I saw a guy. For some reason he wouldn’t give me his gold though.


And im calling it , people will also be less willing to trade , im an enchanter and with how little epics are dropping … im relunctant even to trade a piece , then again im still trading it because gear is not dropping so i dont need enchants :rofl:

Speak for only yourself. Also, no one wants BIS in 3 weeks, shut that fake news down. Alternate pathways to get to BIS over time wouldnt destroy WoW. Quite the contrary.

I’m not quitting because of M+ loot.

This is quite early in the expansion for people to say they are burning out.

Some people take a break and come back. They are cyclical subscribers, and devs appear to be working hard to convince more players to come and go rather than continually subscribing.

But the fact is that people who leave because they’re upset about some game feature that bugs the heck out of them usually don’t come back for years.

Like I said before: They’ll be missed.

If you play this game only for gear, imo you’re doing it wrong. Play for fun and let gear be a bonus to what you’re doing.

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why is gear the only thing you care about?
when i played classic all i cared about was gear bc there’s NOTHING else to do in that game but farm gear lol.
but in retail there is so much to do and you don’t even need bis gear unless you’re super hardcore.
something tells me you’re not super hardcore so who cares??

Bfa loot was basically a participation trophy. Not much value but you got something.

The old badge system would clearly fix all this…you do dungeons you get badges…and hey you might get lucky and get a drop…EVEN IF YOU DONT you got badges and they stack up pretty decently…go buy that slot you were fishing for. No idea why they ever got rid of it.

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