How long till the Fifth War?

I don’t wanna go to war with these guys anymore after grouping with them. The Horde are very polite and good team players.

The fifth war will be fought in pet battles, dance offs, and turtle rescues

Oh wait, wasn’t that BFA?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Well what if I told you they all secretly talk bad about you behind your back?

I’d say they’re probably right.

While I don’t want another faction war story, if it was done right I wouldn’t complain to much. BfA had potential but it was ruined pretty quickly with how fast they turned the war into a side story. Keep it as the main focus, actually have us go into locations that the enemy controls and attempt to wrestle control from them.

The incursions in Kul Tiras and Zandalar were a good start and actually showed, you know, the war. Rather than limit it to two areas it would need to span Azeroth since Alliance and Horde have holdings in every major locations. Have Stormwind and Orgrimmar be viable targets for sacking with a push to reclaim them.

Sadly though, I don’t think Blizz would have what it takes to write a good faction conflict so better off having both sides in an uneasy alliance.

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And then be forgiven for it after they change their government yet again.


To be fair, the Kul Tirans were the first to instigate such acts during the original founding of durotar.

I can’t wait for it! I hope it’s the Alliance fault this time!

Kul Tiras did not have a peace treaty with Thrall’s Horde.

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They were part of the alliance for a time, until the alliance with Lordaeron collapsed via Gilleneans, Dalaran, kul tirans seceding from that agreement. I don’t think their loyalties to it shifted much, seeing as they are the same category of people (human).

See this is the flawed thinking that leads to the disastrous writing of the past 2 wars. The geopolitical state of Azeroth is basically kindling just waiting for a single incident to send everything up in flames.

It doesn’t have to be anyone’s “fault”. Just leave Azeroth on autopilot long enough and things will hit the fan eventually,

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…But they didn’t have a peace treaty with Thrall’s Horde, so they didn’t break a peace treaty. The Alliance of Lordaeron had ceased to exist by that point, and Kul Tiras had no way of knowing what had happened at Hyjal. Thrall’s peace treaty was with Theramore, which Jaina upheld all the way up until Garrosh turned it into a crater.

Thrall however, had a truce with the Night Elves after Hyjal. He then broke the truce by allowing the Warsong to re-invade Ashenvale and start logging Night Elf territory again.

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Yep. There is always exceptionalism involved lol.

Preferably, never: Just about every time Faction vs. Faction is brought up in the narrative, it never works out.

At best, nothing happens. Both sides just shrug and team up against the Big Bad of whatever expansion.

At worst, you have characters (Oddly enough, mostly Horde) going on massive power trips and doing things that make absolutely no sense, like MoP Garrosh chewing on an Old God’s heart, and literally everything Sylvanas does Legion and after.

The only time it wasn’t absolutely horrible was the start of MoP, since it became clear that the conflict on Pandaria was a bad idea, because fighting caused people to become possessed by the Sha. While some tried to take advantage of this, it didn’t work out too well for them. There was an actual narrative tied to the conflict, and while I won’t say it’s the best it was at least something outside of “Me Alliance, I bonk Horde” and vice versa.

So, yeah. Hopefully never.

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Yes, but I want it faster! I like the War in my warcraft.

Jaina wasn’t a leader of the alliance either from my recollection, only the remaining forces of Lordaeron.

Correct. Those remaining forces then formed Theramore, which upheld the peace treaty.

Right, so the Alliance started a war, because the remaining people of Lordaeron were not “alliance.” It was Kultirans who attacked the horde, and held similar views to that of the alliance then.

You’re looking at this backwards. The faction conflict isn’t an inherently bad framework for a story. It’s been a mix of narcissism and incompetence from Metzen and Danuser that caused it to tank.

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No. The Alliance of Lordaeron didnt exist anymore, and even if they did, the Alliance of Lordaeron never had a peace treaty with Thrall’s Horde. There was never a treaty to break.

Theramore was the only political entity other than the Night Elves that had a treaty with Orgrimmar. Both Theramore and the Night Elves respected the treaty. Then Kul Tiras, which was not a part of any peace agreement with Orgrimmar, attacked Durotar. This wasnt breaking a treaty, this was continuing a war that Kul Tiras didnt know had ended, because they had no way of knowing otherwise.

Thrall himself recognized that Theramore and Kul Tiras were separate entities. If he hadnt, he would have destroyed Theramore himself.

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