I know to get rank 14 you have to pvp like it’s a full time job, how long would it take and how much would you have to pvp to just get rank 12 and 13??
Rank 11 is a part time job, so scale up between them.
More than everyone else, It depends per server and what for no-lifes u have on it doing the grind at that moment.
Expect people trying up to 16h a day of almost non stop honor grinding.
Just win in everything and it will be much easier =)
Unless you’re retired, a veteran, living in your mom’s basement you don’t have enough time for it pal
Hee I won’t be doing it either, but there is awlays some one and probably more people than u think.
Can I hop on this thread and ask how long it takes to get to something like Rank 3? or whatever rank you need to get the trinket?
I was… not so deadly in my Vanilla days…
What if I work from home?
Will you be afk in av cave? Or will your work quality decrease because you’re playing to much? You can only have one lol. But yes most people don’t work from home.
Rank 3 will be no problem. I believe even rank 10 is obtainable as a semi casual. It does depend on server, and I can’t remember since it’s been so long since I’ve played. But a few hours a day of only pvping. Maybe more on weekends… with winning of course I believe you could get even rank 10. May be slower though
If I remember correctly you could rank up like 2-3 ranks in the first week then it becomes progressively slower
I trade 30-45 day expiration option spreads on the stock market, so usually my work consist of doing nothing mostly.
I do anywhere between 10-20 actions a year, just depends. It’s a joke mostly, even though I have the time I don’t intend on pumping that many hours.
As much as I’d like to make the push I don’t have the time I had when I was 13… adulting sucks lol
I have more time as an adult than I did as a kid.
I got to rank 13 and it was 8-10 hours every day
I would think rank 12 could be done with a 6 hour a day commitment maybe 7
Rank 3 is easy if you just pvp at some point every week. I was a pretty casual player back in the day and I think I got to 10 to get the whole blue set just doing organized bg groups only without increasing my playtime iirc. It’s been so long though I can’t be sure
It also depends on your server and who is grinding at the time as well. Generally, 6-8 hours a day for like 3-5 months if I recall. It’s best to form a pvp team then just randos.
Pretty much this.
Rank 11: part time job
Rank 12: full time job
Beyond: You poop in a sock and pee in a bottle. Unless you share accounts.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Depends on how competitive your server is and whether your faction “unionizes” to artificially lower competition.
I’ll talk about rank 14 first, but get around to your specific question:
Pushing for 14 on my vanilla realm typically took at least 850,000 honor a week to get the top pvp bracket (that would in turn give you the highest amount of points, which fills each rank’s progress bar to move up towards the next rank)… You needed ~4 weeks of getting that top honor slot to achieve rank 14.
The lowest I saw during actual vanilla for an “honor union” between players to artificially reduce competition was ~650,000 honor per week, but my server was extremely competitive and only VERY briefly ever had any “honor union”… Other servers may have gotten it down to a lower number.
Now then, I worked full time in vanilla and never account shared… I was pretty consistent in my ability to generate ~450,000 (±100,000) a week with the most I ever churned out being ~750,000 chain running 6min abs basically every second I wasn’t at work or commuting to/from work.
At one point I managed to get both maintain my warlock at rank 10 (it was slowly decaying from 11) AND simultaneously boost a Rogue up into Rank 10. I was making just enough honor between both to barely hold rank 10 on both. That being said, my best “push” towards rank 14 on a single toon ended up falling 4% short of being able to push to rank 12 (before a poor week and the honor decay tanked me back down to 8% away from R12, and I stopped trying to push ranks)
Now for reference, in the 1h23min AV game from the AV stress test, the horde earned 4,356 honor
@ 850,000/week for 14 they earned approximately 0.51% of the required honor needed for the week during that 1h23m game, which I’m now going to be nice and call 1h15min for cleaner numbers (so it’s 1.25hours rather than 1.3333333333333 hours) and he’s still going to need 250 hours per week to hit that number… despite that being 10days, 10 hours worth of time and impossible
For the record @ 650,000honor to rank up (let’s say they unionized to lower caps): They’d still only earned 0.67% of their required weekly cap during that 1h23min time (again giving them the benefit of the doubt pushing it to 1h15min for cleaner numbers) and they still need 186.567 hours to get it all in… or 7.77 days playing 24/7 or just over 7days 18hours… again impossible.
So if you want to hit 12 or 13, it will substantially easier than hitting 14… but the actual time it’s going to take you is a giant unknown, because there are a number of variables to consider:
-How much time you can play? (Like total hours per week)
-When you can play? (being able to play at 3 am on a weeknight when queus are barely popping is less useful than being able to play all day on a weekend when there’s a “bg holiday” active which boosts honor/hour in that specific bg for the time.)
-What kind of premade (if any) you are running? (Your comp and quality of comp are massive factors)
-How competitive your realm is? (a low competition realm with a very high amount of participating players is your ideal to make the grind easier)
-How fast can you win games? (a group closing games out in 6 minutes consistently is going to out-farm a group ending games in 20minutes, given the same win rate)
-What your win rate is?
-Will Blizz crack down on account sharing?
-Will there be population differences in the amount of people who try at all, considering people are better informed on how nuts the pvp grind can be?
So being able to definitely say how much time you need for 12/13 is hard to speculate on… If the realms are competitive, odds are good you’re going to need to be running WSG/AB and doing a healthy amount of chaining 6minute wins at least 75% of your time, for 10 hours a day. If the realms are less competitive, 12 is at least hypothetically attainable entirely solo, if you no life it and win a bunch. That’s a pretty massive spectrum of playtime/styles and both extremes may end up being accurate depending on how different servers perform.
Once I hit rank 10, I joined a premade group called the marshal group and from there it was most of evening when queues were fast. When horde and alliance is unbalanced, it’s hard to get games going.
Crbgs will be in Classic so we won’t have bg balance problems.