How long does it take to get rank 12 and 13?

When I played as a kid my bedroom had a backdoor with a missing door knob. I used a wash cloth to plug the hole. When I had to piss id just poke it through the door knob hole and pee outside.


You won’t be able to PUG to 12/13 unless you play like 16 hours a day, every day.

If you get a good premade and factions are balanced, or your faction is not dominant (fast queues), probably 6-10 hours a day.

You’re better off raiding for gear.

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Since there’s only 11 servers, I wouldn’t bother. Maybe they’ll add more before the PVP patch?

Rank 10 was very possible as a casual, I know this, as I was one.

Rank 10 can be done easily. 4+ hours a day

Rank 11 requires you do be semi hardcore. 7+ hours a day

Rank 12 Moderately Hardcore. 10+ hours a day

Rank 13 Hardcore. 13+ hours a day.

Rank 14 No life. 17+ hours a day or account sharing.

This is all assuming, no Honour Caps, of course.