How long do you think before the next expansion is announce?

My bad, I thought it was end 2022. Now I am reading end 2023. I doubt they wait for that.

I’d guess the first week or so of March, but historic timelines in Shadowlands have meant nothing so who knows

Some of you think the expansion will be announced before the next patch date is announced


They used to annonce it during Blizzcon who usually take place between 15 of Febuary and March 1. So it kinda make sense to expect news as of next week or so, if you follow the past trend. But its kinda a first time that there isnt any Blizzcon at the same time as a show for next xpact so we’ll see

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The last patch is 9.2.5 which hasn’t even been announced. So 2023 is likely.


Well 9.2.5 if most likely the usual adding and even leading to 10.0 So its notmal that it hasnt been annonced yet. Cause they need to annonce the next xpact first.

Think it’ll be at this years BlizzCon online. If that’s canceled, then sometime near its general day… so Oct/Nov.

When a new MMO or threat is announced or whatever. It took Lost Ark coming out to announce 9.1.

Blizzard doesn’t care we have got 1 major content patch in over a year. They only care about playing Monopoly that no one else cares about or wants to play anymore.

It will be a super bowl ad

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Soon enough. Then everyone will start complaining smh

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:

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Its been canceled in early december there isnt one this year

Sometime in March. At least two or three weeks after the last raid wing for story.

Lol at least take my whole sentence instead of making half post that distort the truth

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I respect the devotion to your post

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They will announce 10.0 at the next Blizzcon. :laughing:

Well How many blizz con will they cancel XD

Well now I’m sad. Are you happy now?!

Well you had 2 month of knowledge missed not my fault. Dont shoot the messenger

puts gun down

You’re just full of heartbreak today.