How long before we write the Community Council as a PR stunt?

Oh i don’t really know what you’re talking about then.

Haha, honestly the least they could do is hit the like button on the original poster so at least they feel like the blue has read their post.


I think to say this is very unfair for two reasons. One, there are actual conversations being had in those forums with not just community managers but game producers as well. This is not something we really ever see on the regular forums, for good reasons mind you.

And two, a large part of communication is listening. You don’t always have to respond to be a good communicator. Actions speak louder than words, and Blizzard’s latest actions in regards to Classic TBC realm issues show that not only are they listening very intently to feedback posted on the Community council forums, but they are also acting.

Their communication has greatly improved and I could see the WoW community council having a huge impact on not just the game but the community as well. It has been a very positive thing for everyone and everything relating to this little world of ours.

I dismissed it as a PR stunt by the wording of the application. Written feedback is meaningless anyway, they balance the game around in game metrics analytics. Vote with your play style :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry, but I wholeheartedly disagree that their communication has improved. Good for you for being optimistic. It isn’t like we don’t have our reasons to be doubtful.


“We get a lot of feedback…and that’s great.”

lol, yeah ok. Sign me up.

Honestly if you only read the very few TBCC threads, they have posted some really great feedback.

Lol man since i made this thread, there has been another blue post on a TBCC topic. The blue poster actually expanded on what his original post was why can’t we get feedback like this man…

I just went to see if I was wrong and was prepared to eat my words, but yeah… if you are only looking at the TBCC threads, communication really has improved. That’s about it.

That’s ok, you’re entitled to your opinion, but I am interested to know why you think that. Have you seen posts like those found in the community council forums from Blizzard game producers and community managers before? If so, where?

I wouldn’t call it optimistic, just realistic. I can’t deny things that my eyes have seen for themselves.

I understand why people are jaded, but the very definition of the word implies an unfair perspective fueled by pessimism.

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ThE WhOl3 C()MpAnEE iZ 0n VaCatUuN

that seems to be the go to defense response.


I don’t think it ever had that potential.

It did because it’s been done before in secret and resulted in the best class design we’ve ever had.

And here’s why you’re an unreliable defender of this situation. You are saying the perspective is “unfair” despite everything Blizzard has done to avoid communicating over the past decade.

The amount of times we’ve been told “don’t you have phones?” “You think you do, but you don’t” and “Actions speak louder than words, so here’s a bunch of words saying we’ll do one thing while we do the other” makes the viewpoint not only a fair one, but the realistic take, not the pessimistic one.

So yes, at best your defense is optimistic. At best.


The only influence this group could have had would have to happen in future planning years down the line.

I’m not sure what previous council you are referring to. Blizzard has tried this sort of format several times previously without success. Their private groups broke down because of failure to communicate and the appearance that Blizzard was just looking for someone to validate their decisions.

Some people on this forum are so freaking pessimistic about everything. For once can we just not hate something because it doesn’t fix the world the second it shows up?

Yes, it is unfair. For some reason, a subsection of the community habors resentment against Blizzard for past game design/communication management/whatever it is, and now view every present and future action that Blizzard through the lens of that harbored resentment.

Things that would otherwise be viewed very positively, like the community council, are now viewed with cynicism and pessimism not due to the merit of the thing itself, but due to harbored resentments.

It absolutely is unfair to Blizzard in every regard.

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:eyes: My eyes! Don’t do that again. :rage:

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I’m honestly not entirely sure what you expect, this isn’t an upstart new game dev from an indie company for a free game. This is a 17 year old game, with the backing of a multi-billion dollar company that we pay a subscription fee too which just shipped its second poorly received expansion in a row and in the process cutting one of the patches we get this time therefore removing value of the original purchase for the expansion… all the while ignoring feedback from Alpha/Beta/PTR and saying that they think they know better than us.

Then they get caught in a whirlwind of poor PR and news reports about allegations of their work culture and then THEY announce via a youtube video of the Community Council and how it’s going to change everything only for the threads for classic discussion to get replies and thats it.

Like if they wanted to avoid this they could have easily just … not made the CC???


Sorry but you are coming off as suspiciously disingenuous and I have no interest in continuing conversation with you further by explaining my position. So… you know, have a nice day, I guess.

So we still going on strike next week or what?

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did you really say “for some reason” with a straight face after we literally had to kick and scream about covenant restrictions for a year of live not including alpha/beta testing for them to actually listen to the playerbase. LMAO.

for some reason come on dude.


You’d have a point if it wasn’t repeated behavior. But again, this is behavior which has been repeated on Blizzard’s part for a decade now, if not more. Seriously, the amount of times J. Allen Brack has said “action speaks louder than words” while apologizing for not communicating with the community, only to keep doing it…makes it absolutely fair. You only need to google his name to see years of this behavior being endemic.