How long before a report is addressed by Blizzard?

I had a very disgusting interaction with another player last night and I’m wondering how long it will be before the person is dealt with. In my eyes it’s a pretty open and closed case that should result in some form of suspension or ban for the other party, but as of right now they’re still online playing.

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Well never know if and when any actions will occur thats between them and blizzard will a GM take a look yes but only blizzard will know it could happen today or in the next couple of days.


Depends on how many other people had the same experience or worse. I would just put the player on ignore and not worry about the issue. Blizzard will handle the issue so there is no sense in getting worked up over it.


Also remember if it is for stuff the person said you no longer get suspended for that. You get silenced!

They will get the report and investigate in the order it is received. You might never know what happened in the end either.


You definitely won’t know what happened to the other player.

If they get a silence, you’ll still see them online.

If you don’t see them online, they could just be … offline. If they get a 24-hour suspension and you aren’t watching them 24/7, their penalty might elapse without you ever noticing.

As many others said, report (done), ignore (done?), and move on.


I understand the usual procedure for dealing with a person who is being a pest. But this involves a person who was, to put it bluntly, emoting that they were raping my character and following me around gyrating close to me after I had already reported/ignored them. This was completely unprovoked and I had never had any interaction of any kind with this person prior to this. I have some real life experience with sexual assault and It’s enough that I’m having a real hard time enjoying playing while this person is still around. I don’t really care what other people’s experiences are with them.

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I’m sorry you’ve encountered something like this.

If you have reported and ignored a character but they continue to find methods to communicate with you then please file a ticket under our “Ongoing Harassment” category.

In these cases it’s especially important that you do not respond to them, or interact with them in any way. If they continue to contact you while you await your ticket, then continue to place the characters on ignore and do not reply.


Thank you. Glad to know there is a tool for reporting further harassment. I’ll be using it.

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The biggest thing too, do not respond to them. Do not tell them you’re reporting them. Do not speak to them at all because then it may get murky as it’s a willing conversation between you and them - no matter what is being said. Just keep them on ignore, and if they circumvent that ignore with an alt? That’s a big no-no and you’ll need to report that with your on-going harassment report(s).


Just to jump on this a bit: If they get people to contact you on your behave, it’d be best to put them on ignore as well, along with detailing it in any ongoing harassment ticket.


May depend what that “interaction” is. I reported someone for cheating about a month or so back, and got the following confirmation (screenshot) roughly 2-3 weeks later.

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They explained it a few posts into the thread. Definitely inappropriate behavior.


I suppose just for my clarification, it sounds like this occurred via emote. I am not 100% certain, but does ignore block emote messages as well? Would this still fall into ongoing harassment?

So I know how to respond in the future.

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It should. Though emotes with sounds might still be heard (like /train, or /lol)