How long are horde BG queues?

And do you think they will increase with the influx of blood elves next week?

Horde queues are:
AV - 4 minutes (mostly when the ally premades are running at night) to 25 minutes (regular hours)
WSG - instant to 5 minutes
AB - 10 minutes - 30 minutes for AB

There are times when they are longer or shorter as well but thatā€™s what Iā€™ve seen in general lately.

They probably wonā€™t change a ton with prepatch. itā€™s hard to say with TBC. So far I havenā€™t seen all that many people rerolling horde for BEs but there are some here and there.


I think BG qā€™s will be faster in TBC because more rewards for casual players, through honor gear.


Thanks! Some of my friends want to re-roll horde (which we played in TBC). Horde seems to win the vast majority of wsg and AB and about 1/2 of AV so I guess I could tolerate queues for those off pieces of gear.

Still trying to decide what to do

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Prepatch will make queues nearly instant, man. You only need like 40, 70, 20 marks respectively and like 66,500 honor for FULL High Warlord Gear after May 18th. Thatā€™s about 20-40 hours of BG depending on your winrate (remember, you get a mark for losing too).

EVERYBODY is going to be epic gearing their alts and boosts.


Prepatch queues and meme specs are going to make the next 2 weeks of BGs insanely fun.

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Felguards. Crusader strike hitting for 1k. Prepare your a n u s.

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With bad weapons Iā€™m hitting 1k WFs on the PTR.

Itā€™s going to be hilarious.

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I crit a 3300 starfire.


Itā€™s going to just be fun, with so many queues popping.

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I am having so much fun as a ne Druid moonkin on beta. 2500-3000 star fire crits, 1700 wrath crits. I never played moonkin until BFA. They are so much fun. But elemental shaman are great too(which I did play during vanilla tbc) I just wanted to try something different.

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Pre patch will have fast queues for sure. When the dust settles Iā€™m worried about really long horde queues in TBC.

The prepatch period is going to be a BG frenzy. Everyone will be farming that welfare R14 gear to pimp out for outlands. This is logical because those purples are better than outlands gear for a good while. In the past, after classic, I used to actually hit BGs on my way up then buy the gear at 60. You can actually start storing tokens now in mailbox, but we canā€™t get honor yet because it still goes to the stupid rank system. I canā€™t wait to see this system flushed and will be happy to never see it again. After years of waiting, better days are finally on the horizon.

I wore my HWL gear straight to 70 back in TBC. I replaced like two pieces with dungeon drops and I replaced a trinket with that Hellfire Pen crit trinket and thatā€™s it. Youā€™ll have like 6500+ health and mana with full epic level 60 PvP gear by the time you hit 70 and youā€™ll probably as much, if not slightly more, SP/HP in your 60 gear than the 70s you replace it with. Feels bad to go from 800 spell power to 450 spell power on ā€œupgradesā€.

Yep. You can store 20 tokens and the infinite in the mail box now. Also, in prepatch, you should store the honor/tokens for the level 70 rare pieces too. Itā€™s really nice to ding 70 and have a full set of essentially dungeon-quality gear to put on.

If youā€™re not spending like 10+ hours a day in prepatch in Battlegrounds youā€™re doing it wrong.

The issue is I have 5 60s and a new shaman Iā€™m trying to level. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have enough time for them all.

You wonā€™t. Gotta choose a main, dude.

I have one planned, but it wonā€™t be my only char. Every char can use that gear for questing in outlands no matter their role at 70, so best to make use of the prepatch BG period when they will pop fast around the clock.

Lets put this into perspective- Horde queues are already longer, they were longer for all of classic, at some points they were absurdly long, I remember when people would regularly complain about sitting in 3 hour queues for AV.

Then add blood elves.

To consider how big of a deal blood elves are, you can always look at their retail numbers- but even for TBC, just go on youtube and look for videos about ā€˜prot pally boostingā€™, ā€˜blood elf 1-60 in two weeksā€™ or gearing/engame guides on how to play a pally in TBC.

Now look at all the vids on draenei or shammies.

Itā€™s like night and day, heck even on the forums people barely mention draenei, blood elves are all people can talk about. On discords I constantly hear things like ā€˜get a summon to Mulgoreā€™, nobodyā€™s saying to get one to Elwynn.

Prepatch should have good participation, but itā€™s going to die off hard, and with arena being cross faction thereā€™s really no reason to be alliance in TBC.


Pretty bad I think. 20 min probably outside of BG weekends at least.

EDIT: I totally forgot about Blood Elves. 40 min Horde Queues inc.

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But you still have to do BG for your off set pieces unless they changed that too. :worried: