How long are horde BG queues?

Yeah, its likely going to end up just like Classic did. Alliance will have such better queues, that their premades will gear up faster than Horde premades.

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Well, I may just have to stay alliance and kill my friends who go horde when I see them in arena. :joy:

Eventually, Alliance solo-queuers will end up with faster queue times and way lower winrates, like always. Alliance premades will enjoy the best of both worlds with fast queue times and easy wins. Horde premades will end up with the reasonable trade-off of long queue times and easy wins.

You could. Itā€™s really hard to say what wIll happen. Will the changes to AV make it so alliance wins more and horde doesnā€™t queue as often? We actually donā€™t know yet.

Few people noticed this but back in October alliance had 20 minute AB queues and horde had instant ones. Even now horde WSG queues are often instant. So the balance hasnā€™t been as bad as many people think.

I play on both sides and will continue to so I can pick and chose what I play.

What a silly thing to say.

I would only step into arena to get gear to then do BGs with so the queue times would actually mean a lot to me if I ended up playing TBC for very long.

Too bad my chances of getting anyone to accept merc-mode in classic are probably non-existent. I think that was added in WoD.

That is my dilemma. I never play without a pre made. It is just not worth the hassle. I was wondering how long horde has to wait with their pre mades.

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